In the Mail: …Alas Vegas.

Well, put me in overshoes and call me a duck.


I do not mean this as a criticism, although I wouldn’t blame James Wallis if he takes it as one: there was a part of me that was never actually expecting to see the Alas Vegas RPG adventure.  When it comes to Kickstarter fulfillments (to mangle Robert Anton Wilson), there are easy ones and hard ones and very hard ones and then there was that damned Alas Vegas Kickstarter.  Wallis had the absolute devil of a time getting this one to the publishers.  So much so that I lost any irritation that I might have had over the delay (I tend to be easygoing about that sort of thing anyway) and instead replaced it with a vast, terrible pity. Continue reading In the Mail: …Alas Vegas.

Leveler (VH) [GURPS 4e]

Leveler (VH) – Google Docs

Leveler (VH) Enchantment

Missiles imbued with this spell seek out individuals with the Destiny advantage or disadvantage. If someone with either passes within 2 hexes of the missile while it is in flight, the missile will curve to strike him.  This attack hits automatically, ignores all DR, and does maximum damage +3 (roll randomly for hit location).  If nobody with Destiny is present, the missile does normal damage for its type and the enchantment is broken.

Continue reading Leveler (VH) [GURPS 4e]

Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters.

Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters – Google Docs


Seraph Vassal of Stone

Angel of Hipsters


Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 8 Agility: 8

Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8

Celestial Forces: 4 Will: 8 Perception: 8

Word-Forces: 2


Vessel/6 (human male, Charisma +2)

Skills: Artistry/3 (bookbinding), Chemistry/3, Detect Lies/3, Dodge/4, Electronics/1, Emote/3, Fighting/6, Knowledge/6 (Trivia), Large Weapon/3, Move Silently/3, Musical Instrument/3 (guitar), Savoir-Faire/1, Seduction/3, Singing/3, Stealth/3, Tactics/1.

Songs: Motion (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/4), Numinous Corpus/3 (Claws), Shields (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/3, Celestial/4)

Role: “Cobi” (Bartender/4, Status/3)

Attunements: Seraph of Stone, Cherub of Stone, Ofanite of Stone, Vassal of Stone, Angel of Hipsters

Angel of Hipsters: Dashiel has access to David’s Expanded Rite “Bring more than 20 people together for the first time in a good cause” (In Nomine Superiors 1: War and Honor, page 10).  If the gathering becomes a weekly affair, he gets an extra Essence for attending it. Dashiel can get only one Essence per day this way.
Continue reading Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters.

Creature Seed: the Icelandic Reedhaunter.

Blame this.

Icelandic Reedhaunter – Google Docs

Icelandic Reedhaunter


The Icelandic Reedhaunter is not precisely Undead.  Instead, its favored habitats are swamps saturated with necromantic energy, which means that the bird’s feathers and epidermis are Undead.  The Reedhaunter itself is a thoroughly inoffensive small brown bird from the order Passeriformes that eats death-aspected seeds and zombie insects.  They have, as one might expect, no particular natural predators; but the species’ fertility is very low (as one might also expect).  

Continue reading Creature Seed: the Icelandic Reedhaunter.

In Nomine Revisited: Hurmin, Impudite of Death.

Hurmin, Impudite of Death – Google Docs

Impudite of Death

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 6 Agility: 6
Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 6
Celestial Forces: 3 Will: 6 Perception: 6
Vessel/2, +2 Charisma

Skills: Dodge/2, Emote/2, Fighting/4, Lying/2, Seduction/2

Songs: Charm (Celestial/1), Healing (Corporeal/1), Motion (Celestial/1), Numinous Corpus/1 (Fangs), Shields (Corporeal/1)

Attunements: Impudite of Death, Balseraph of Death, Vampiric Kiss

Hurmin has it made. Or so he thinks. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Hurmin, Impudite of Death.

In Nomine Revisited: Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate.

Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate – Google Docs


Renegade Habbalite of Fate
Corporeal Forces: 5 Strength: 11 Agility: 9
Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8
Celestial Forces: 5 Will: 12 Perception: 8

Vessel: human male/4, Charisma +1

Skills: Climbing/1, Dodge/6, Emote/3, Fighting/4, Knowledge (AK: Home Area/4, Christian Theology/2, Fate/3, The Game/3), Language (English/3, Spanish/3), Large Weapon/6 (Sword), Lying/2, Move Silently/3, Ranged Weapon/5 (Shotgun), Survival/3 (Urban)

Songs: Attraction (Corporeal/4), Blood (Celestial/3), Entropy (Ethereal/3), Essence (Corporeal/2, Celestial/2), Healing (Corporeal/2), Motion (Ethereal/2, Celestial/6), Nimbus (Corporeal/5, Ethereal/4, Celestial/3), Numinous Corpus/6 (Wings), Shields (All/2), Succor (Corporeal/3), Thunder/6, Tongues (Ethereal/2)

Attunements: Habbalite of Fate, Impudite of Fate, Bad Company, Fated Future, File Extraction

Discord: Merciful/3

Role: Bum/6, Status/2 (Long story, so read it below)

Artifacts: Sword: Corporeal Artifact/4 with Summonable; Cup (Reliquary/2)

OK, so possibly he isn’t an angel after all.  But Dubbiel isn’t convinced that he’s a demon, either.  Right now, he’s not sure just what he is. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate.

Survival Cucumber [TL 11] [GURPS 4E]

Survival Cucumber [TL 11]


Cucumis sativus machinatum

It remains, primarily, a cucumber: you can still eat them. However, should one find themselves trapped on a hostile planet that chews up machine technology and spits it out, then the Survival Cucumber is invaluable.

To begin with, it’s hyper-nutritious; one standard cucumber will support a human for two days. If the ends are cut off, it becomes an almost perfect water filtration device.  A Survival Cucumber used as a filter can last about a man-week before it wears out; fortunately, Survival Cucumber vines can grow pretty much anywhere, and start providing new Cucumbers three days after planting.  The vines are bioengineered to limit their own population growth, so no need to worry about runaway colonization.

Continue reading Survival Cucumber [TL 11] [GURPS 4E]

Bleg on game footage capturing tech/software.

I want to do a couple of YouTube videos showing how to get various items, maybe a walk through or two.   I’m playing Secret World Legends, obviously; and I have a computer that can handle Discord, high-quality graphics, yadda yadda.  What software should I be grabbing in order to capture in-game video and audio footage?  Or should I be trying to figure out how to record it using Discord?

Item Seed: The Alexandria Prototype.

Alexandria Prototype – Google Docs

The Alexandria Prototype

Simply put, the Alexandria Prototype is a flintlock rifled musket that can be reliably dated to the First Century AD. It’s made out of bronze and wood, used something around .80 caliber lead balls, and the gunpowder residue has an unique composition to it, but the basic gun design is sound enough.  The Prototype was found last year in a hitherto unknown tomb or subterranean complex; it had been preserved as well as first-century technology could manage, and the gun itself could probably even still fire, if anybody was daft enough to try.

But there isn’t anything otherwise intrinsically special about the Prototype.  It is merely a weapon about a thousand years before its time, presumably designed and created by a single unsung genius, and for whatever reason the Roman Empire never got ahold of a copy to duplicate it. Those researchers cleared for the Prototype have tentatively concluded that it must have been seen by the locals as a potent magic weapon to be feared, and not a mechanism to be duplicated. Or possibly it was an assassination tool. Or maybe it was never actually fired, beyond testing purposes? Certainly there’s been a lot of research of surviving artifacts from that time period to see if there are any hints as to the Prototype’s ‘story.’  However, no clues are yet forthcoming. Continue reading Item Seed: The Alexandria Prototype.

Item/Technique: The Ouroboros Knot.

Ouroboros Knot – Google Docs

The Ouroboros Knot

This particular occult method of tying a tie mostly resembles a Trinity Knot, with two differences.  The first is that the tie is given one twist in the back, to make it something not entirely unlike a Mobius Loop (ties used for Ouroboros Knots are typically the same color on both sides, in order to disguise this).  The second difference is the large amounts of magical energy that are pumped into the tie as the Knot is being tied.  When correctly done, the Ouroboros Knot is activated and will hold its ‘charge’ for at least a week.

Continue reading Item/Technique: The Ouroboros Knot.