The 7th Sea ‘Voyage of Fortune’s Star’ computer RPG Kickstarter.

:sigh: Let me find my wallet.

There’s a couple of early-adopter tiers that will offer a discount if you pledge before the Kickstarter funds.  The Kickstarter will almost certainly fund.  Very possibly very quickly. Note also that they’re definitely making the game anyway – in fact, the game is being made right now.  All of this is going towards funding extra stuff, which is fine by me and presumably all the other 7th Sea fanatics.

Had a good 7th Sea Intro session today. (@JWPresents)

All-new players when it comes to this edition and only two of us have played 7th Sea before. But I still think that it worked out well. I went with the standard ‘you all meet in a bar’ and then we used the standard ‘let’s have a bar fight’ to experiment with how the combat rules worked and how to roll. Next session we’ll ramp up the complexity a bit and add Villains, maybe bring in sorcery. Should be fun.

Moe Lane

FINALLY: the 7th Sea Core Rulebook has arrived!

Although technically it should be my wife’s 7th Sea Core Rulebook has arrived.  After all, this is part and parcel of a fairly elaborate Valentine’s Day/birthday/Christmas present for her.  And she’s even playing in a 7th Sea game herself, so she’ll need the rulebook just as much as I would.

Still, she won’t mind if I leaf through it.

IMG_1706 Continue reading FINALLY: the 7th Sea Core Rulebook has arrived!

Going through the new 7th Sea rules now…

…and my wife – who lives and breathes 7th Sea in a way that I can appreciate, but not duplicate – keeps chuckling over my shoulder at the way that certain broken rules have been repaired. Alas, one of those broken rules is probably going to be the entire Finnegan pugilism school from Inismore. I loved Finnegan; but I loved it because it was gloriously broken and allowed me to play a Drunken Irish Kung Fu Fighter at insane levels of Cheese-Monkey.  I can’t blame John Wick for nerfing all of that. I would have done the same thing.

I wonder how the ‘7th Sea call for writers’ thing is chugging along.

I put something together for it, and so did my wife, and so did at least one of my friends. I don’t have an ‘in’ or anything over there, more’s the pity; and I suppose that it’s reasonable to expect John Wick et. al. to take more than three weeks to assess all the applicants. But it would be nigh-infinitely sweet to get a shot at writing for 7th Sea.

Certainly I’m self-confident – or egotistical – enough to think that I could credibly write for that game line. It’s been a while since I wrote gaming material… and I should rectify that, huh?  I mean, there’s an entire set of mental muscles that might need exercising, or simply stretching. Sure, I’ve been writing constantly for the last fifteen years; but it’s different kinds of writing, huh?

Yeah, guess it’s time to get back on that horse. God knows I have enough gaming books to choke a whole herd of ’em.

Reminder: 7th Sea’s call for writers ends either soon, or tomorrow night.

I always hate it when people say something expires, say, April 15th. Does that mean that I have until tomorrow night to go back and revise the whole blessed thing, or whether I only have half an hour?  – Because I’ve met just enough people who use either that I’m never quite sure.  I wish that they’d just establish a standard. Or maybe give the time? 11:59 PM Eastern time on whatever date would make the situation a lot more tolerable.

Anyway: here’s a link for the 7th Sea call for writers. Although, sure, it might too late for other folks either way.

The pledge drive is DONE! Thank you!

goal-thermometer-newAs you can see, there’s nothing let to hit and it was the last day anyway.  Between the generous donations here and the relieved ones from family members happy to to be finally be given something of an idea of what to get my wife for a present, we’re good.  We’re better than good, in fact: it’s done, it’s over, the project is fully funded and everybody can go home.


No, really, actually: we really are done this time. I heartily suggest that all of my readers who like roleplaying games sign up for the 7th Sea Kickstarter, because the more people that sign up, the more stuff I eventually get.  And, well, because it was an awesome game and hopefully will be an even more awesome one when it’s done.  But this pledge drive is over. Go home.

and, hey: thanks, folks.

Moe Lane

Day Six of the 7th Sea Kickstarter / Wife’s Present Pledge Drive.

goal-thermometer-newWell, it’s been going pretty well. With the latest batch, and assuming that all the family members pull through, I should be able to pay for the 7th Sea Kickstarter without going too far into future discretionary income territory. Certainly not the six months I was originally contemplating, to be sure.

Also: yeah, the cat is out of the bag.  Partially because my buddy Michael N. from comments was right, and partially because it’s not been the best of weeks and I needed a bit of a lift. Best way to get that is give somebody else a bit of a lift, too.  She was, of course, highly pleased – and, yes, planning to do whatever submitted write-up needs to be, well, submitted.

Anyway: tomorrow is the last full day of the pledge drive, which I guess means that it officially closes Sunday.  And, as always: thanks, folks. Much appreciated. Continue reading Day Six of the 7th Sea Kickstarter / Wife’s Present Pledge Drive.