Early night.

I think I’m having a reaction to the end of the physical therapy; the therapist did a bit of work on my back to get the shoulder to relax enough for the stretches to work, and apparently the muscles also hold… emotional residue? I’ve had it explained to me, and I go back and forth on whether I believe it. It feels kind of medieval.

At any rate, I have the kind of fatigue and draining I normally associate with having done a ton of work, so I’m going to crash out now. Good night!

Early night tonight.

The news in Manchester, coupled with my general exhaustion today, conspire to put me to bed early. And offering up a few prayers for the slain, and those working to save the hurt.  And even a prayer or two for the souls of the people who ordered that atrocity*, because hellfire is Eternal and they will have a limited window of time for repentance.

Moe Lane

*Christianity is hard, sometimes.

On second thought…

…I’m just going to load up Steam, see if Far Harbor auto-downloads, and not care if it does or not because I’m going to bed.  Yes, I find this as unnatural as you do. But I got a field trip tomorrow and I may have a mild ear infection so eight hours sounds like a good idea.

…Dear Lord.

Without a working desktop computer, I might… I might… I might have to go to bed early. This is strangely terrifying, yet strangely alluring. I mean, what if I get eight hours sleep? I might wake up early, too!

Seriously, I’m kind of beat. Gonna pick a video and then hit the sack reasonably early for once.