September Showcase: September 6th.

Finally, somebody signed up for my Patreon! This was particularly awkward because I kind of messed up the thermostat; I had it pegged at $130 when it should have been $135.  But I didn’t want to update it, because it would have looked like I was goosing the total. Fortunately, the question is moot.

Today’s September Showcase is Patron-only: a 200 word microfiction called “Ghost Story.”  It was written in honor of me getting a new Patron.  Want to see more of those?  Well, subscribe.  Or, if you’ve already subscribed, then encourage subscription in others.

Update on the September Patreon Showcase: September 2, 2017.

Goose egg, essentially.  Such is life.  My Patreon remains, and it continues to increase in value with every single day.  For example: I’ve just posted “Last Stand,” which is a pretty little microfiction of the sort that I provide my patrons every week, rain or shine.  I’ve made it available to the public, so that you can gaze upon for yourself, and realize that $1/month is an absolute marvel of a deal.

So go take a look, sign up, and come back.  You’ll be glad that you did.

There’s going to be some changes in the Patreon.

Starting September 1st, the upcoming tiers will be revamped and I’m going to really push the Patreon itself for September.  And couple it with a pledge drive goal over here. Nothing really sp… actually, no: it is all going to be spectacular, and this is an incredible deal that all of your friends should sign up for.  Besides, the more people that do, the more everybody else gets.

So, you know that RPG world for Patreon I’ve been thinking of for the last six months?

Yeah.  I’m delaying it at the last minute, because I had an entire new campaign world just drop into my head this morning. It’s a combination of D&D and Space Colonization: various fantasy races settling an alien world.  There will be magic, there will be active deities, and there will be technology (there just won’t be much in the way of electronics, because the industries needed haven’t been built yet). Throw in a helpful colony-wide disaster or two, and the world will be at just the right enlightened early-Renaissance level that I’ll need to sustain this.

Plus, I know just the OGL I can use to, you know, sell this puppy under. It’s time I started thinking about how to sell stuff.