Patreon Microfiction: “Sentimental Value.”

Sentimental Value” is my paean to the notion that, even in our glorious transhumanist future, we’re probably going to have to deal with the little things in day to day life.  Also, that people who are in glorious transhumanist futures are probably not going to wander around all day breathlessly going “Hey! How about that Singularity, huh?” …OK, wait, some of them probably will.  Somebody always does.

Three (Four) Patreon accounts you should subscribe to.

I don’t subscribe to all that many, myself. But I do subscribe to some; and I’d thought that I’d give three (four) Patreons that I’d suggest that you try, and why you should sign up for them.  Even if it’s at the buck level.

  • Freefall (Science Fiction Webcomic, Mark Stanley).  Freefall is one of the best SF comics out there, only you’ll take a bit to realize it because the heroes are a genetically uplifted anthropomorphic wolf, an alien squid monster stuffed into a spacesuit, and a roly-poly robot.  But it’s consistently good, and currently grappling with the highly complex ethical problem of how to deal with artificially-created intelligence. Worth a buck.
  • Meg Syv & Yoko Weaver (Fantasy Webcomic) These two do Daughter of the Lilies, which is a lovely webcomic that half of you already read, and the rest should start. And it’s also absolutely worth a buck a month.
  • Eric A Burns (Geek Author, Artist). Eric is an old friend of mine, and a peer of mine, artistically speaking.  I don’t offer that compliment lightly; as you may have noticed, I do not exactly lack a healthy sense of self-esteem.  I also find it absurd that he’s getting less out of Patreon than I am, so check his stuff out. A buck per collection of stuff (probably mostly superhero related); I’m personally looking forward to the next one.

Moe Lane

PS: What?  Geez.  The fourth Patreon would be ME, of course.  Surely that was obvious?