Even Chris Matthews doesn’t listen to Chris Matthews. [edited]

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers.

(Via The Corner) Indeed, Mr. Barone [OOPS! York] we knew that this was coming. Talking head Chris Matthews was instructed to take umbrage at Rush Limbaugh’s use of the term ‘regime’ to refer to this administration:

“…The use of the word ‘regime’ in American political parlance is unacceptable, and someone should tell the walrus [Limbaugh] to stop using it.”

Matthews didn’t stop there. “I never heard the word ‘regime,’ before, have you?” he said to NBC’s Chuck Todd. “I don’t even think Joe McCarthy ever called this government a ‘regime.'”

[snip of numerous examples of the use of the phrase ‘Bush regime’ in news reporting]

Finally — you knew this was coming — on June 14, 2002, Chris Matthews himself introduced a panel discussion about a letter signed by many prominent leftists condemning the Bush administration’s conduct of the war on terror. “Let’s go to the Reverend Al Sharpton,” Matthews said. “Reverend Sharpton, what do you make of this letter and this panoply of the left condemning the Bush regime?”

Oops. Perhaps Joe McCarthy never called the U.S. government a regime, but Chris Matthews did. And a lot of other people did, too. So now we are supposed to believe him when he expresses disgust at Rush Limbaugh doing the same?

Continue reading Even Chris Matthews doesn’t listen to Chris Matthews. [edited]

#rsrh Neo-neocon illustrates the problems with Internet April Fools’ jokes…

…to wit: in a world where domestic politics have gone decidedly non-Euclidean*, stuff like this is not only believable: it’s actually sort of plausible. Elaborate Top Gun routine?  Sure, why not?  It’s no less believable than the one about us giving the Russians a mistranslated reset button as part of a diplomatic exchange.

Via Little Miss Attila.

Moe Lane

*Please note: ‘non-Euclidean’ is used in this context as non-mathematicians use it: to wit, incorrectly.

Quote of the Day, I don’t know why edition.

From TV Tropes:

The Marquis de Favras was caught by the Revolutionaries as he plotted to help Louis XVI escape. Convicted of treason after a two month trial, he was handed his official death sentence by the court clerk as he was led to the scaffold. He read it and said “I see that you have made three spelling mistakes.”

By the way: if you’re not familiar with that site then I suggest that you be wary of clicking links, particularly if you need to be somewhere in the next eight hours.

#rsrh State Dem Rep opposed by… husband.

I got nothing, sorry.

Democratic lawmaker has a challenger — her husband

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — An eastern Missouri lawmaker is facing an election challenge from her husband whom she accuses of physical violence. He denies the abuse allegations and says he is running to help the state’s workers.

Democratic Rep. Linda Fischer, of Bonne Terre, is seeking a second term in the Missouri House, and her husband, John Fischer, filed as a Republican for the same seat. They are the only candidates for House District 107, which covers St. Francois County.

More accurately, this is one divorce-in-waiting that I have no desire to get involved in.

#rsrh Elections have consequences, Glenn Greenwald.

It’s neither AoSHQ’s nor my fault that you and yours spent ever so much time in monomaniacal attacks on all things Republican, conservative, and (particularly) Bushian; so the fact that you’re now upset that the current administration rewards sycophancy with favorable media coverage doesn’t really move my heart to sympathy.  They did this during the campaign too, Sparky.  You just didn’t care then, because you wanted the grown-ups out of the White House.  Well, you got your wish – so you get to have a White House that does everything that you said that the Bush White House did, only now it’s all true.

Karma.  It’s what’s for dinner.

Moe Lane

Democrats get another GOP office vandalized.

Mission, as they say, accomplished.

This time, in Ohio:

‘Stop right wing’ is message to local GOP
Delivered via brick through HQ window

MARION — Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone had thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters downtown — with a message directed at stopping conservatism.

“Stop the right wing,” was written in purple ink on a piece of notebook paper.


It may cost more than $600 to fix the window…

Send the bill to the DNC.

Moe Lane

PS: The Ohio GOP site is here.

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh I just don’t know about this iPad business.

Apple should send me one, so I could test it out and tell everyone what I think about the product.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, somebody sent me a Wii, didn’t they? And then there was the new audio interview computer rig (I’m reaching out to various campaigns to try to do some phone interviews, and would like to hear from more).

Steve Cohen (D, TN-09) called racist by Democrats, returns the favor to Tea Partiers.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers.  Do I regret?  Certainly the specifics, although you can argue that the principle – standing up against bigotry – was sound.

You know, back in the day, I had a certain sympathy for Democrat Steve Cohen (TN-09): back in 2008 he had been targeted for being a Jew by primary challenger Nikki Tinker, with nary a word of objection made by then Senator and now-President Barack Obama, who Cohen enthusiastically supported. It was obvious, even as early as last year, that this theme would probably be revisited in 2010 by former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton, if a bit more skillfully. At the time, I was disappointed.

My reaction now, given that he likes to call us all Klansmen and Nazis?

(Via Hot Air & Ed Driscoll)

You go and have yourself a nice, karma-laden primary there, Rep. Cohen. I hope it’s the political version of a knife fight in an alley. Just Blue-on-Blue, and it’s no skin off of my nose who wins.


Moe Lane

PS: (Republican) Charlotte Bergmann for Congress. She doesn’t hate people.

Crossposted to RedState.