Trail of Cthulhu’s Bookhounds of London & GUMSHOE’s Book of Unremitting Horror. Plus, thanks to the reaction to people like this (I decided to let some of all y’all see some of the hate mail after all)…
…reacting to posts like this, the PayPal account has been refilled to the point where I can go buy The Esoterror Fact Book now. So keep that hate and rage coming, folks! This is, like, my major source of disposable income at the moment*.
Besides: it’s a good life, having idiots hate you.
Moe Lane
*Note, however: disposable income. People looking for an actual charity to support should go with Soldier’s Angels instead, or some group that’s equally worthy. Or just a blogger that needs it.
Thanks, Moe. I like the fine pink mist right at the moment of detonation, myself.