NY-08’s (D+22) #OWS NIMBYism.

It’s short for “Not In My BackYard.”

(Via Hot Air Headlines)  It would seem that the people who actually live and work in NY-08’s Eighth District (epicenter of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests, at least according to this map) are getting sick and tired of the dirty filthy hippie freeloaders:

Panini and Company Cafe normally sells sandwiches to tourists in Lower Manhattan and the residents nearby, but in recent days its owner, Stacey Tzortzatos, has also become something of a restroom monitor. Protesters from Occupy Wall Street, who are encamped in a nearby park, have been tromping in by the scores, and not because they are hungry.

Ms. Tzortzatos’s tolerance for the newcomers finally vanished when the sink was broken and fell to the floor. She installed a $200 lock on the bathroom to thwart nonpaying customers, angering the protesters.

The article goes on to point out that this sentiment, while not universal, is widely shared among local businesses and residents; particularly the ones that have to directly deal with Occupy Wall Street’s lack of porta-potties and love for drum circles.  I suggest, however, that if anybody living or trying to do business in this district has a problem with the aforementioned dirty filthy hippie freeloaders then they should take it up with their Congressman Jerry Nadler, who is reportedly encouraging the continuing degradation of local property values.  His local contact information is below: I’m sure that Nadler’s staff would love to hear from those of his constituents who are enjoying the tip of his rhetorical spear right now*…

Congressman Jerald Nadler
201 Varick Street,
Suite 669
New York, NY 10014
Tel. 212-367-7350

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*One interesting side effect of that Anthony Weiner business: everything involving NYC politicians sounds vaguely dirty now.

2 thoughts on “NY-08’s (D+22) #OWS NIMBYism.”

  1. Perhaps the good Congressman should open up his building to the people so they can have toilets to use. Let him bask in the glory that is hippies Speaking Truth To Power.

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