Gov. Perry at the Iowa Republican Presidential Forum on Manufacturing.

Perry plans to end federal ethanol subsidies, by the way.

Texas governor and Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry participated in a Presidential manufacturing forum today in Pella, Iowa (hosted by the Vermeer Corporation): and it’s pretty interesting viewing.

(The entire forum (and transcript) can be seen here.)

Governor Perry answered questions from both the moderators and the audience: if I had to sum up fifteen minutes of informed, fairly specific commentary in one sentence it would be “The single largest problem that the USA is facing in terms of job and economic growth is our own regulatory climate.”  Perry was obviously relaxed and confident throughout the proceedings, which leads me to wonder whether a large part of his past public appearance issues have been due to lingering pain from his recent back surgery.  Certainly he was knowledgeable and engaging throughout this particular event.

Continue reading Gov. Perry at the Iowa Republican Presidential Forum on Manufacturing.

#OWS releases coloring book in order to boost public image.

Assuming that it’s not just some ruthless capitalist making a buck.  In which case: Go, Team Adam Smith.

I want to show you something.  It’s called the Occupy – A Grown-Up Coloring Book Novel*, and while Hot Air is fully justified in eye-rolling it to the oblivion that such a thing deserves I’d like to point out my immediate observation** was as follows: Hey, guess what’s not on that cover?

That’s right: liberal arts majors.  Or social science ones.

Guess they had some difficulty coming up with a suitable candidate…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading #OWS releases coloring book in order to boost public image.

A shame that @RobinDLaws didn’t see this yesterday.

Perfect Halloween fodder. Also, a shame that it has to be seen at all – I won’t spoil the surprise by describing what’s on the other end of this link, except to promise that it isn’t a Rickroll.  Suffice it to say that there are certain abysses that you don’t really expect to have stare back at you…

Via, obviously, @RobinDLaws.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis uses gay-baiting slur in public.

It’s not turning into a good year for the Obama administration – in fact, it’s not been a good administration for the Obama administration – but I think that this is hardly an excuse for a Cabinet level official to use low-rent sexual epithets in public:

At the Florida Democratic Party State Convention over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis insulted members of the Tea Party, referring to the activists as “teab[*]ggers.” Teab[*]gger is a pejorative term used to refer to a certain sexual act. Liberal talk show hosts such as Rachel Maddow brought the phrase into the mainstream in 2009, using it as a tongue-in-cheek insult.

As reported by Tallahassee Democrat and Sunshine State News, after voicing her support for large federal programs, Solis warned, “I’ll be darned if I’m going to set that aside now because a few teab[*]ggers want to somehow muzzle my voice,” Solis said.

(Sanitizing mine.)

Continue reading Labor Secretary Hilda Solis uses gay-baiting slur in public.

#rsrh QotD, I Frankly Deserve Better Than Mitt Romney edition.

And so do you, and so does Ed Morrissey:

The one argument for Romney that actually works with conservatives is that he’d be a better President than our current incumbent by a country mile. That’s also true of most of the rest of the field, though. If the nomination went to Romney, I’d have no trouble pulling the lever for Mitt in November 2012, and I’d be ruddy pleased to do so. But while the primaries are still in front of us, perhaps we can be spared the rationalizations aimed at getting conservatives to back Romney rather than test the rest of the field for a more principled conservative who could win a general election and properly lead this country in the right direction.

I expect that, should Romney get the nomination, the Online Right will suddenly find Senate and House races of particular interest. Particularly the primaries – especially if the nomination gets resolved early…

#rsrh Reminder: I’ll be at BlogCon 11.

Which will be from November 11th to 13th, in Denver CO.  Heck, I’m even going to be on a panel, for my sins.  If you’re going to be there, stop by and say hi: fair warning, however.  People tend to be slightly disappointed when I turn out to be just a stout, amiable middle-aged geek.

Who likes beer, so feel free to hit my Boozing Fund:

…although if enough money comes in I’ll probably upgrade that planned order of a new (well, refurbished) iPod, instead.

Moe Lane