VA AG Ken Cuccinelli calls for primary ballot reform, write-in option.

This just keeps getting better and better for the Virginia GOP, doesn’t it? Via Ballot Access News, first we get the Attorney General for Virginia pointing out that the requirements for ballot access are far too restrictive:

I would throw out for consideration that we should lower our requirements to 100 legitimate signatures per congressional district.

Let’s face it, absent a serious write-in challenge from some other candidate, Virginia won’t be nearly as ‘fought over’ as it should be in the midst of such a wide open nomination contest. Our own laws have reduced our relevance. Sad.

…and suggesting that a write-in ballot is possible. Which, as a lot of people with perhaps vested interests in there not being any more candidates on the ballot would tell you, is: a, impossible; and b, so mind-bogglingly obviously impossible that anybody who suggests that such a thing would be possible would be as dumb as Newt Gingrich.  Of course, some of the people who are most pushing the ‘dumb as Newt Gingrich’ bit are perhaps not entirely clear about Gingrich’s actual position:

“And we hope to launch a write-in campaign. We’re getting an amazing number of people who … believe Virginians ought to have the right to choose and shouldn’t be restricted to two people.”

When a reporter noted that state law prohibits write-in votes in Virginia primaries, Gingrich said: “There’s time for them to change it. If something’s wrong, they ought to fix it.”

Continue reading VA AG Ken Cuccinelli calls for primary ballot reform, write-in option.

#rsrh Sen. Ben Nelson (D, NE) cuts and runs.

Three million in the bank and internal polling that showed him ahead was apparently not enough to keep Ben Nelson from announcing his retirement from the Senate; what makes this particularly entertaining is that the DSCC has already apparently dumped a million bucks on this race.  Hey, do you know which Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2012 could have used that money?


Moe Lane

PS: I am particularly thrilled by the fact that after January of 2013  I will no longer have to try to tell this guy apart from the other Senator Nelson.  Of course, the question may have been moot anyway…

#rsrh QotD, Only ‘HALF-Jokingly?’ Edition.

Well, Ed Morrissey has always been the reasonable one.

Whenever people ask me whether I will run for public office, I always respond half-jokingly that if I wanted a career in electoral politics, I wouldn’t have spent the last eight-plus years writing down my every thought on politics and policy.

The things that I have written, on the other hand, would cause me to crater so heavily in any political run that it’d probably cause a slight wobble in Earth’s orbit. But I have learned to accept this: as the philosopher said, A man’s got to know his limitations.

Moe Lane