Come, I will conceal nothing from you. [LINK FIXED.]

[Sorry, guys. The link’s fixed: and, yeah, it’s about the DC food truck crackdown.]

There are so many things already wrong with the District of Columbia’s local government system that the wrong thing that’s going to start piss off government/government-derived/political workers, starting tomorrow, is not really high up on my list.  So the grease trucks are going to get harassed out of existence?  Wow, excessively intrusive government regulations just suck, huh?

Admittedly, there are plenty of small-government DC workers out there who are getting hammered by this, too.  Them I have more sympathy for.  And the grease trucks themselves, of course.

10 thoughts on “Come, I will conceal nothing from you. [LINK FIXED.]”

  1. Ok, I’m confused. What does the opening to “The Emperor’s New Groove” have to do with DC and grease trucks?

  2. I’m guessing it has to do with the city government doing it’s level best to create and maintain a hostile work environment for food trucks – from setting up special parking ticket task forces to police just them to multiple, random inspections and odd requirements for the owner to be in the truck at all times it’s selling food.

  3. “odd requirements for the owner to be in the truck at all times it’s selling food”
    The owner? Really? What do they do about people who own more than one? Or partnerships?

  4. Actually, I thought the old link made the point better. Restaurants don’t like the competition from Food Trucks so they run crying to City Government. City Government cracks down on the Food Trucks making it tougher for them to make a living. Crying babies must instantly be placated, BY LAW if necessary. BYE, BYE Food Trucks!

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