Well, so much for free Amazon Prime two-day delivery. [UPDATE: they got it in!]]

[UPDATE, 11:58 PM]: Well, I will be dipped in shit.  I open up the door to throw out the recycling, and there the package is.  Never mind…

I’m not really angry, but I am a little surprised that they’d not make sure that somebody who was testing out Amazon.com‘s Amazon Prime’s free two-day shipping would have no cause for complaint for the free one-month trial period.  I mean, free shipping is nice, but reliability is a legitimate concern, too.

Ach, well.

#rsrh Joking aside, armed robbery is terrifying.

And while there may be some situational irony in the fact that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer – a guy who once wrote that “there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas” – just got robbed at swordpoint*,  his wife and guests didn’t write that particular US Supreme Court dissent.  We should show some delicacy towards them, at least.

Yes, I’m a big meanie.

Moe Lane

*Well, it’s not a knife and it’s not an axe.  Sword is about as close as you’re likely to get.

RS at CPAC: Sarah Steelman (R CAND, MO-SEN PRI).

Sarah Steelman is one of the candidates running for the Republican nomination for Senate in Missouri – which is, of course, a prime nomination to have, considering that sitting Senate Claire McCaskill is widely expected to be a prominent member of the next wave of Democratic politicians slated to die the political True Death for the greater glory of Obamacare.  We spoke for a bit at CPAC about the race, and about the fact that it was Sarah’s first CPAC:

Sarah’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Those miserable MMfA… so-and-sos.

Media Matters for America was planning to go after freaking WorldNetDaily, and not RedState?  That is a slight on my primary site’s honor, particularly since we had such an enviable track record in 2010 when it came to assisting candidates.

Then again, this does support the “David Brock is nuts” argument. Continue reading #rsrh Those miserable MMfA… so-and-sos.

#rsrh So, AttackWatch is back! (NSFW)

The email’s going around (Ed’s reporting on it, too), and this time it’s part of one of three groups dedicated to repackaging tired Obama agitprop in a form that might not make the average voter gag.  Well.  It’s a free country, and let me demonstrate that accordingly:

Barack Obama is a narcissistic, blithering incompetent.  To use Ace of Spades HQ‘s searingly brutal and accurate formulation, President Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure; under his ‘leadership’ unemployment and gas prices have gone through the roof, not to mention food prices and our humiliation abroad.  To which I will add: Barack Obama is also an incredibly privileged, mindbogglingly oblivious urban liberal who is as about as authentically African-American as I am.  Removing him from office in the next election is not so much a civic obligation as it is a meritorious act that will shave off years in Purgatory.

There.  Report that.  That’s M-O-E L-A-N-E…

Moe Lane