Oversight Chair Darrell Issa makes Justice Department perfidy part of the official Operation Fast & Furious record.

A ways down below the fold is a description of a wiretap application by the Department of Justice (not the wiretap application itself) that had been provided to the House Oversight Committee by a whistle-blower, in response to Oversight’s investigation of the Justice Department’s Operation Fast & Furious debacle.  The information found in it would normally be not accessible to anybody outside of the committee – the information that it is describing is under court seal – but Oversight Chair Darrell Issa put said description in the Congressional Record, secure in the knowledge that the Speech & Debate Clause of the Constitution almost certainly protects him from any sort of retribution.  And, since it’s in the Congressional Record, it’s now by definition in the public record.

So let’s go. Continue reading Oversight Chair Darrell Issa makes Justice Department perfidy part of the official Operation Fast & Furious record.

I know that Real Clear Politics prides itself on having a balanced front page…

but this is getting ridiculous.

It’s like we all live in three or four different universes normally, and we all just got together for the Obamacare decision.

…Well, damn. That’s pretty much how it really is, isn’t it?

Moe Lane

PS: Obamacare is a tax. Deal with it.

RS Interview: Senator Mike Lee (R, UT).

We had originally hoped to talk with Senator Lee about Obamacare Obama’s health tax yesterday, but the unique – and, in some quarters, ever-so-slightly controversial – nature of the US Supreme Court decision made scheduling a touch complex.  Translation: BOOM went the (metaphorical) dynamite over at the Supreme Court, thus bringing us Chaos and Old Night f0r a while.

Fortunately, things were a bit calmer this morning, so I talked with the Senator for a bit about some aspects of the Obama health tax decision.

Download audio here

In other news: Mitt Romney raised $4.3 million dollars – whoops, make that $4.6 million – over the last day from the Supreme Court decision.  I’m given to understand that this represents something like thirty times their usual daily online take – and it’s small donor-driven, too: the average donation was $25. A very nice haul, in other words – and the Romney campaign didn’t particularly have to do anything to get it, either*.  Well, besides pointing out the exceptionally obvious point that Obamacare is a half trillion tax on the middle class.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading RS Interview: Senator Mike Lee (R, UT).

#rsrh Soooo… was there anything else that people wanted to talk about?

I mean, between the Obama health tax and Operation Fast & Furious yesterday the oxygen was sucked out of the room, then compressed into a cylinder and thrown into a fire.  What did we miss?

I mean, besides this pretty thumb-your-nose Mitt Romney ad featuring… Hillary Clinton.


Still enjoying the memory of that nasty 2008 primary campaign, Obama for America?

#rsrh QotD, The Great Obamacare Health Tax Hangover edition.

Datechguy notes that, contra the somewhat misogynistic and certainly low-rent exuberance coming out of the DNC over having the Obamacare health tax upheld, Democratic street monsters are quietly freaking worried about how the ruling will interfere with their candidates’ electoral chances.  The problem is that nobody likes to run on tax increases, and Obamacare is an at minimum five hundred billion tax increase* on the middle class. After noting that, and the large sums of money being raised by the GOP on short notice, Datechguy concludes.

As General Nathanael Greene said after Bunker Hill: I wish we could sell them another hill at the same price.


Moe Lane

*The US Supreme Court also defanged the Obama administration’s plan to foist Medicare costs off on the states, so expect it to become a heck of a lot more obviously fiscally irresponsible, very soon.