ALEC protesters show off their education, empathy, and ability to function without keepers.

ALEC, for those wondering, is the American Legislative Exchange Council, which is one of the current hate objects of the Left because… well, because some very smart people told the Activist Left to pick up their signs (which the Activist Left made themselves!) and go over and protest them! And never mind why: only dirty little wreckers in the service of the One Percent argue with their betters. They aren’t dirty little wreckers, are they? No, of course not: the Activist Left are real live activist …Leftists. So there!

Look, if you have a problem with my categorization of these winners, watch this Revealing Politics clip from Wednesday’s anti-ALEC protest in Salt Lake City before you judge me. These people ain’t all that bright.

…Well, they’re not.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading ALEC protesters show off their education, empathy, and ability to function without keepers.

#rsrh Food trucks and a regulatory regime: what’s the outcome?

This video from The Economic Freedom Project – one of a series – puts a human face on what a top-heavy regulatory climate actually means.

Continue reading #rsrh Food trucks and a regulatory regime: what’s the outcome?

#rsrh A reminder: Obama for America staffer taking too many notes = secret defeatist.

This isn’t directed at anyone specifically: I just wanted to point out that anybody who is planning to write some variant of How Obama’s Defeat In November Of 2012 Was The Fault Of Everybody In The Universe Except Me for the political book trade would be needing to start cataloging the Litany of Shame And Failure right about, well, now.  And the books will arrive; there are a lot of people who are going to want to know why the Democrats threw away the Presidency.  Plus, it’s not like these people are Bush Republicans: they’ve not exactly been trained to think of loyalty as a virtue.  Crabs in a pail, folks: crabs in a pail.

Now, normally I’d just stand and cheer, except that I [expletive deleted] hate most political books, so why help these people out?  In fact, I’ll give out some helpful suggestions, for anybody who doesn’t want to be a chapter heading of their very own next year:

Continue reading #rsrh A reminder: Obama for America staffer taking too many notes = secret defeatist.

#rsrh Piers Morgan unhelpfully stomps all over Romney Olympic “gaffe” narrative.

If Morgan thought that the Left was going to scream at him before, well

[CNN anchor Brooke] Baldwin asked Morgan for his thought on Romney saying that he found London’s lack of security preparation for the Olympics “disconcerting.” Morgan said he thought Romney was correct.

“It’s no secret over here that for the last three weeks the security around the Olympics has been a shambles,” said Morgan. “The outside firm they got in to run it has been all over the place – they didn’t have enough people and the army had to be drafted in. So, Mitt Romney was only saying exactly what has been happening.”

For those who don’t speak British English, calling something a ‘shambles’ may be a bit more pointed than American English speakers might realize: I’m not sure that Piers Morgan meant to compare the situation to a Elizabethan era butcher’s shop… but I’m not sure that he didn’t mean to do that, either.

Moe Lane

PS: Just saw this. See Jim Geraghty for more shamble-worthy Olympic problems.

#rsrh New York Times Co. losing $29.3 million a month.

There.  I fixed the title of this New Yorker piece for them; for some bizarre reason the people over there thought that the real news to be gleaned from the NYT’s unfortunate fiscal situation is that “[a]t the company’s big three papers — the Times, International Herald Tribune, and Boston Globe — print and digital ad dollars dipped 6.6 percent to $220 million, while circulation revenue was up 8.3 percent to $233 million.”  Heck, the New York Times itself was more objective about the situation that they’re in*.

Not to be unkind, but it’s not good news when a company’s traditional revenue source has fallen through the floor sufficiently that the second best revenue generator catches up with it.  And there’s a limit to… oh, what’s the use? The NYT wants to be the propaganda arm for the Democratic party intelligentsia, despite the fact that such a goal is clearly not profitable on its own.  It’s not going to change any time soon; indeed, as long as its current ownership is willing to eat the costs, it’s not going to change at all.

Moe Lane

*The NYT Co. used to make a profit, you know.  At least in the short term.

#rsrh Three things to take from Lizzie Warren’s Whitebread Central HQ photo…

…so ably found by Legal Insurrection:

  1. Yup, that’s a freaking lot of white people, there.  I know that white Massachusetts Democrats traditionally have a bit of a problem when it comes to race relations, but damn.
  2. I would assume that these (probably unpaid) kids are doing the Black Power salute in an ironic fashion, except that kids that age are usually only aware of irony when it’s not biting them personally on the tuchus.
  3. You will notice that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not giving the Black Power salute, damn her eyes.  That is because Debbie Wasserman Schultz is probably the only person in that photo who will have a political career after November.

Via Instapundit.

Dammit, dammit, DAMN IT.

Glenn Reynolds is reporting that blogger (and commenter) Ric Locke passed.  I only knew him online, but Ric was always a very fine fellow on his visits here – and, of course, he wrote a very nice book in Temporary Duty*.  I meant to ask him if he was going to need any help with the sequel to that.

I’ll miss him.

Moe Lane

*I was going to just give the link and not do the Amazon Associate thing… and then I imagined what pungent things Ric would have said if I had done something so anti-capitalist.  I am going to find out if there’s a charity going to be associated with him, though.

The latest Obamagaffe: “It worked.”

Permit me to spell this out: this comment of President Obama’s?

Just like we’ve tried their plan, we’ve tried our plan, and it worked.  That’s the difference.  That’s the choice in this election; that’s why I’m running for a second term.

How do I put this?  Ah, I have it: this was the President’s plan.

This is what happened.

I submit to all of you: the only way that you can possibly justify suggesting that Obama’s economic program ‘worked’ is if you define ‘not working’ as ‘the country is now on fire’.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Occupy Cleveland would-be bomber rats out comrades, confesses.

That’s how you do it: you look for the weak one in the group, you make sure that he (it’s usually a he) understands just how much trouble he’s in, and then you start to squeeze him, psychologically.  You squeeze, and you listen for the pop.


One of five men accused of attempting to blow up the Ohio 82 bridge in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park pleaded guilty Wednesday and agreed to cooperate in the prosecution of his four former co-defendants.

Anthony Hayne, 35, of Cleveland, entered the plea at a hearing in U.S. District Court, where lawyers for the other four suspects indicated they would argue at trial that the foiled bomb plot was a case of entrapment by the FBI and a paid informant.

Mind you: Occupy Wall Street was pretty much a collection of the weak to start with, so this may have been a race to the bottom anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Wonder what else Anthony Hayne knows about?  Because I’m sure that he’d love to reduce that prison time further…