#rsrh Looking at/for the partisan enthusiasm gap.

The following is a fairly vivid example of why people want to see crosstabs whenever possible when it comes to polls:

Romney 37 40 46
Obama 52 50 47
Republican 37 38 44
Democrat 50 49 48

The above is from a just-released AP-GfK poll; as you can see, it shows Obama up by one (47-46) over Romney in a poll of likely voters.  Bad news for Obama, as the intent was that he was supposed to be opening up a lead at this point; not so great news for Romney either, since the D+4 sample is a lot more likely to be reflective of the actual voting electorate in November than the D+7 or higher nonsense that we’ve been seeing lately.  But that’s another post. Continue reading #rsrh Looking at/for the partisan enthusiasm gap.

The second-to-last ever “Why Lie? I just want an Xbox” pledge drive post (with added promise/threat).

As you can see, we are at a good place: one where I am remarkably close to getting the Xbox 360 with 250 GB.

Continue reading The second-to-last ever “Why Lie? I just want an Xbox” pledge drive post (with added promise/threat).

#rsrh Mother Jones caught tampering with their ‘untampered’ video? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Seriously: if you’re going to put up a video that purports to be the entire raw footage of a Romney fundraiser, that’s fine. If it’s too big, that’s also fine.

But for Heaven’s sakes: don’t show us two videos where the first one ends with “We poll all these people to see where you stand in the polls but 45 percent of the people vote for the Republicans and 48 or 49…” and the second one starts with “…about twice as much as China, not 10 times as much like is reported” and expect people not to notice that there is obviously a piece missing in there somewhere.

This is the big leagues. People with triple-digit IQs will be looking at your material now.

Moe Lane

Hey, it’s raining! …And, oh yeah, rapidly-expiring Kickstarter.

Horror on the Orient Express: Call of Cthulhu by Chaosium.  This one is almost done; and it came to my attention because it has a bunch of Mythos writers that I like doing stories for an associated anthology.  In fact, I’m wondering whether to skip the game and just get the book…

#rsrh The cyber-libertarians discover that liberals are not cyber-libertarians.

It’s almost funny.

“The Democrats criticized Bush for suspension of civil liberties and guaranteed them in their 2008 platform. In their 2012 platform, those guarantees have all been erased.”

I don’t really recommend the EFF/Al-Jazeera article – the author seems to think that suggesting that black people are too incompetent to get picture ID is somehow a blow struck for civil rights – but the general theme is pretty clear.  It turns out that liberals are actually, shock, happy to use the power of the State to enforce social and domestic policy!  Which is great when a libertarian agrees with that policy; when they don’t?  …Not so much.

As I said, almost funny.  The joke kind of loses something after the sixtieth or so time you see somebody fall for it.

Moe Lane

Via Instapundit.

#rsrh Interesting House Forecast from The Monkey Cage: D+ …1.

Which is pretty close to ‘standing pat.’  I’m not really going to go into the tall weeds on this one – my math isn’t up to the task – but the result is pretty darn close to my own gut call of “single-digit Democratic gains*,” so clearly these people are geniuses.

Moe Lane

*I expect a good bit of churn, though.  We have a large freshman class and redistricting is affecting both sides; but the Democrats have a lackluster lineup this election cycle and the last three cycles have been pure hell on any Congressman who had any visible weakness at all. So we will lose people, and so will they, and the Republicans will retain the House.

Obama for America’s quiet, nervous, base repair efforts.

So, I get forwarded this email blast from the go… the people over at Obama for America:

Yeah, the usual outrageous outrage from the outrageously outraged Left.  So far, so typical.  But then I noticed something: where’s the video link? Continue reading Obama for America’s quiet, nervous, base repair efforts.