More details about tomorrow’s Univision expose of Operation Fast & Furious.

Background: the Spanish-language media organization Univision has apparently been building up quite the head of steam over Operation Fast & Furious, which was an operation where we blithely let guns get handed over to Mexican narco-terrorist gangs with precisely zero oversight, hesitation, or interest in what said gangs would do with said weapons.  What they did with them, of course, was to use those guns to murder Mexican nationals.  The administration is stonewalling the investigation into all this (particularly the investigation into US Border Agent Brian Terry’s murder, as OF&F guns showed up at the murder scene); and Univision is promising a long, hard look at the ongoing debacle tomorrow.

And that look promises to be a doozy.  From the Christian Science Monitor: Continue reading More details about tomorrow’s Univision expose of Operation Fast & Furious.

#rsrh Barack Obama has been a nightmare for African-Americans trying to get jobs.

OK, let’s just make this real simple.

In case it isn’t obvious, the above is a graph of the unemployment rate for the last ten years (2012, naturally, has only eight months’ worth of data; equally naturally, the Obama administration isn’t going to be improving said rate any time soon anyway).  I’ve sorted it out by the whole population; whites; and blacks. (data via the Bureau of Labor Statistics).  And as you can see from that graph, African-Americans have been more seriously hurt by this thoroughly rotten economy than whites have; the slow convergence towards the average rate that we saw happening throughout the Bush administration was wiped out in a quarter. And they will apparently continue to be more seriously hurt by this thoroughly rotten economy.  And, as near as anybody can tell, the Obama administration is remarkably indifferent to the widespread economic problems being faced by one of the Democratic party’s most loyal constituencies. Continue reading #rsrh Barack Obama has been a nightmare for African-Americans trying to get jobs.

Where Moe Lane suddenly remembers that he has a BA in English Literature.

This is oldish, but I just read it, so here’s the question before the board: “Why Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, and Truman Capote All Failed to Write the Great American Novel

My immediate answer was “Because Vidal, Mailer, and/or Capote didn’t really like America all that much.” Turns out author Bruce Bawer agrees with me: Continue reading Where Moe Lane suddenly remembers that he has a BA in English Literature.

Resenters Of Civilization Watch: Times Square edition.

(H/T Instapundit) This is profoundly unsurprising to me:

Broadway star Patti LuPone gave an interview to the DC gay mag Metro Weekly, in which she unloaded several strange bursts of liberal celebrity-speak. The most notable one was resenting Rudy Giuliani for cleaning up Times Square into an “arcade” and wishing Times Square was “tawdry and dangerous again.”

In case you thought there would be absolutely no one who missed drug dealers and prostitutes dominating Times Square (other than those people), there is Patti LuPone…

Continue reading Resenters Of Civilization Watch: Times Square edition.

Rep. Ed Perlmutter’s (D, CO-07) INCOMPETENT, xenophobic race-baiting.

Here’s a quick question: what do you see, when you see this picture?  There are two answers.

(Via Colorado Observer)

If you’re a regular person, you see Eun Cha, war veteran, businessman, and naturalized citizen.  This is one of those guys who we’re thinking about when we talk about the American Dream, and how it can transform people’s lives; Mr. Cha emigrated to this country from South Korea, then built a life for himself and his family by working his way up through the Coors Brewing Company (this will be important later).  This is, in short, a guy who heard about America, thought that it was a great idea, and made it work for him – and by extension, us.

If you’re Ed Perlmutter, on the other hand, you see some evil Chinese guy out to steal good American jobs, or whatever the heck it is that Perlmutter thinks will pander to (the hopefully rare) racist voters in Colorado’s 7th district.

Continue reading Rep. Ed Perlmutter’s (D, CO-07) INCOMPETENT, xenophobic race-baiting.

#rsrh No, sorry, Ohio is a two-party state. Unless Perot runs again, I guess.

I get that has an understandable (if ultimately self-defeating) affinity towards the Libertarian party, but this wishful thinking piece about how Gary Johnson could give Ohio to Obama is, well, absurd.

Rep Dem 3rd
2008 46.9% 51.5% 1.6%
2004 50.8% 48.7% 0.5%
2000 50.0% 46.5% 3.5%
1996 41.0% 47.4% 11.6%
1992 38.4% 40.2% 21.5%
1988 55.0% 44.1% 0.9%
1984 58.9% 40.1% 1.0%
1980 51.5% 40.9% 7.6%
1976 48.7% 48.9% 2.4%
1972 59.6% 38.1% 2.3%

Continue reading #rsrh No, sorry, Ohio is a two-party state. Unless Perot runs again, I guess.