#rsrh New Romney-Ryan Ad (That Wrote Itself): “No, I can’t.”

I wonder if the folks over at the RNC and Romney-Ryan and the various super-PACs also ever shake their heads over how easy Barack Obama makes it for them. I mean, it’s like the man has never heard of YouTube. Or just assumed that only Obama’s supporters would have accounts there.


Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.

#rsrh North Korea flirts with the smallest possible market reforms EVER.

Disgustingly, that still makes this a pretty big deal:

It what could be the most drastic change to North Korea society since the nation’s founding, the government has announced new rules that would give farmers some small bit of ownership over the crops they grow. Under the new directives — which have not been publicly announced, but have been reported by some farm workers — farmers would be able to keep surplus crops, sell them at local markets, and keep the profits. Under the current central planning rules, farmers must turn over everything they harvest to the state, except for what they are allowed to keep for family use.

It’s a hell of a thing when the above represents a Great Leap Forward, as it were.  Then again, Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people, so I suppose that you have to grade the North Koreans on a curve. Or possibly the entire circle*. Continue reading #rsrh North Korea flirts with the smallest possible market reforms EVER.

An interesting question with which to start your Monday.

If you were shown this picture, and you did NOT know anything about the people involved, and you were asked: Which person thinks that he had a worse week than the other one?

Continue reading An interesting question with which to start your Monday.

Hmm. “43*: When Gore Beat Bush-A Political Fable.”

I almost didn’t grab this one – political books make my teeth ache, mostly, and poly sci majors should NEVER write alternate history novels – but when I watched the video interview (via Hot Air; also, autoloading) I was pleasantly surprised to see that author Jeff Greenfield knowingly or unknowingly followed one of the cardinal rules to this sort of thing.  Which is to say, change one thing, and see how it plays out from there*. Besides, the one negative review so far is from a screaming Leftist who is incensed to to have read that 9/11 would have happened right on schedule, which is actually a good reason for me to take a gander at it.

Lastly: hell, it’s a buck ninety-nine. I can give it a whirl, for that much. Continue reading Hmm. “43*: When Gore Beat Bush-A Political Fable.”

#rsrh Romney-Ryan ad: “Mute button.”

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I have to give Nancy Pelosi a style point for doing this.  A symbolic style point – she doesn’t have the nerve to do this more publicly to the man – but a style point nonetheless.


Seriously: this set the pattern for Obama’s relationship with the Democrats in Congress since day one of his administration.  It is a dirty little secret in Washington that nobody in the legislature actually respects Obama on a fundamental level: he doesn’t lead, he doesn’t know how to lead, and he takes credit for everything good (or perceived to be good) that happens.  Muting the button on Obama so that Democrats could keep on with messing up the economic recovery is pretty representative of the Obama administration, frankly…

Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.

Continue reading #rsrh Romney-Ryan ad: “Mute button.”

Question and Answer time with Unca Moe! (Voter ID edition)

Q. Unca Moe, why is James Fallows doing his level best to bang a drum and holler about those eeeeevillll Voter ID Laws, when he knows full well he’s wasting his time, given that 3/4ths of the population support them?  Is it because he’s one of those wicked Leftists who think that black people are too stupid to drive cars, buy alcohol, cash checks, serve in the military, or just go get a picture ID?

A. Oh, of course Jimmy doesn’t believe any of those wicked, wicked things: he writes for the Atlantic, which has maintained minimum standards for decorum and ethics for its columnists ever since they got rid of Andrew Sullivan.  No, Jimmy’s just alarmed that Barack Obama may actually lose, and so is just preparing the narrative about how we evil, vicious Republicans stole the election again. Continue reading Question and Answer time with Unca Moe! (Voter ID edition)

The UK’s Daily Telegraph falls down on the job.

Sure, the title and subtitle start promisingly

Ghent prostitutes told to wear more clothes
Prostitutes in the Belgian city of Ghent have been told to cover up and stop suggestive gyrating in their windows as of next month.

…but then they spoil the whole thing by using a staggeringly inappropriate photo: which is to say, a photo where none of that is going on.  I spent half a minute squinting at the blessed thing before reluctantly concluding that it probably was a stock picture.  Look, I expect decorum of this sort from American news media sources; but this is the British press that we’re talking about, here. They have a certain… reputation… when it comes to opportunities to exhibit a little skin.

Ach, this fallen world.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane