One thing I was doing today.

Listening to an old friend of mine play this:

You will probably not be surprised to hear that the above instrument is called a harp guitar; it was a fairly popular instrument at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.  It also – in the hands of an expert; which my friend happens to be, at an almost frightening level – sounds as cool as it looks. I had video, but it didn’t come out properly.

That’s it.  That was my day; harp guitar music, homemade berry jam that had everybody licking their plates, and a bit of time off.  Well, that and a freak rainstorm or two on the way back.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Hey, apparently national tracking polls don’t matter anymore!

According to Jim Messina, at least.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina told reporters on Saturday that despite national tracking polls showing the president and Romney tied, Obama is still winning.

“In all the battleground states, we continue to see all our pathways there,” he told the White House pool at an Obama fundraiser in Milwaukee. “We’re either tied or in the lead in every battleground state 45 days out.”

Continue reading #rsrh Hey, apparently national tracking polls don’t matter anymore!

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Reading is Fundamental edition.

Now he’s just messing with the rest of us.

What clown-squared thought that this clown should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency? Oh, right, the current President.

#rsrh The missing pieces of the WaPo’s ‘fact-checking’ of Obama’s Operation Fast & Furious remarks.

It’s a miracle that we got three Pinocchios out of them, frankly.  Anyway, here are three things missing from the WaPo critique:

  1. Operation Wide Receiver attempted to track the guns that had been allowed to be sold to suspected gun-runners; Operation Fast & Furious did not.
  2. Operation Wide Receiver was done in cooperation with the Mexican government; Operation Fast & Furious did not*.
  3. Several hundred Mexicans (minimum) also died because of Operation Fast & Furious.

These are all significant details – and the lack of mention of Mexican casualties is particularly egregious, given that Obama’s original lie was made in a Latino forum hosted by a Spanish-language television network. Poor form, Washington Post: poor form.  C-, and do better next time.

Moe Lane

*The source for those two differences? Eric Holder.


Angry Libyan mobs assault… Islamist militia bases in Benghazi.

Apparently the population of Benghazi isn’t very happy with the Ansar Al-Sharia militia right now.

Witnesses say supporters of Ansar al-Sharia lined up outside its headquarters, in front of the crowd, waving black and white banners.

They fired into the air to try to disperse the protesters, but fled with their weapons after the base was surrounded by waves of people shouting “no to militias”.

(Via World Affairs, via Instapundit) Three people were killed elsewhere: this seems to be also tied up with a general desire of Libyans to get rid of the militia groups in general.  The military itself seems to be kind of split, with some elements of it assisting the mobs and some elements protecting select militia groups.  And that’s about all that I really know about the situation itself.  Not that I’m unhappy to see an Islamist terrorist group cut and run, of course. Continue reading Angry Libyan mobs assault… Islamist militia bases in Benghazi.