A PSA for executive branch bureaucrats.

Hi!  Are you an employee of the State Department? Treasury? Defense? Justice? Interior? Agriculture? Labor? Health & Human Services? Housing & Urban Development? Transportation*? Energy? Education? Veterans Affairs? Homeland SecurityCommerce?


Wow.  I didn’t actually think that I’d be able to find shenanigans going on in the Commerce Department. Aside from the Census, it doesn’t really do all that much. Continue reading A PSA for executive branch bureaucrats.

Agent Coulson to be in Avengers TV series!


Clark Gregg, who played the dutiful S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in summer blockbuster “The Avengers,” will appear in Joss Whedon’s upcoming ABC TV pilot about the secret government agency.

I know what some of you are thinking (but will not write, because of SPOILERS); to which I reply, Screw that.  Nodwick’s right: this is why Coulson’s the dude.


This is not going to be the most egregious thing ever explained away in comic book-land, frankly.  It’s not even going to be in the top thousand, so there.

#rsrh Let me do a (rare, at least for me) fisk of the Washington Post.

I normally don’t do this sort of thing, but what the heck.

So.  Biden thinks that he’s been helpful!  The WaPo lists the ways.

In nearly four years as vice president, Biden has been the chief monitor of the economic recovery efforts, coordinating federal projects with mayors and governors.

What economic recovery? Continue reading #rsrh Let me do a (rare, at least for me) fisk of the Washington Post.

#rsrh Jesse Jackson, Jr (D, IL-02) under investigation… again.

It’s the ‘again’ that grates:

Federal prosecutors and FBI agents in Washington have launched a new criminal investigation of Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. involving alleged financial improprieties, including possible misuse of funds monitored by Congress, law enforcement sources tell NBC News.

The probe prompted lawyers for Jackson — who has been on a leave of absence from Congress since June for medical treatment — to meet with federal prosecutors this week in an attempt to persuade them not to bring charges against the congressman, sources said.

Says it all, huh?  Well, that and the sheer weary despair found in this headline: “Despite federal probe, mental illness, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. expected to be re-elected.”  Heck, the whole article at that link is not so much an article as it is a call for help.  Fortunately, there is actually an alternative: Brian Woodworth.  Because it’s becoming fairly clear that Jackson’s political career is over: why not have his replacement be chosen by, you know, an election or something?

Moe Lane

PS: We interviewed Brian a while back.

#rsrh Please note this violation of copyright, @sesameworkshop…

which is really quite brazen:

Plans to save Big Bird, the fuzzy yellow character on U.S. public television’s “Sesame Street,” from possible extinction are taking shape in the form of a puppet-based protest next month dubbed the “Million Muppet March.”

The demonstration is planned for November 3 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., three days before the general election.

Obviously, if the two people who came up with this waste of time manage to get more than a thousand people it’ll be a minor miracle; but trademark violation is trademark violation, and the MMM was certainly remarkably indifferent to respecting Sesame Workshop’s intellectual property here.  So the Sesame Workshop needs to ask itself: which group does it want to annoy?  Liberals (who stereotypically largely don’t have kids), or Republicans (who stereotypically do)?

Moe Lane