Democrats launch sexist attack against Warthog driver Martha McSally (R CAND, AZ-02).

Pro-tip: never launch an attack ad against a candidate that allows her to make this response:

“The fact that they use this theme of Martha McSally in a kitchen cooking up recipes is … overtly sexist and insulting to any woman, but it certainly doesn’t fit specifically with me,” she said in a phone interview. “For crying out loud, I served 26 years in the military. I was too busy shooting 30 mm out of my A-10 at the Taliban and al Qaeda to spend any time in a kitchen.”

The A-10 is, of course, this:

…the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, otherwise known as the ‘Warthog’ for its looks.  This plane is also known as the ‘flying tank’ (because it, well, is); and as I understand it its operators are notably exempt from the casual prejudice shown by the Army and/or Marines towards USAF personnel.  Possibly this is because the Warthog is used effectively and routinely in supporting ground troops.  You can shoot the living heck out of a Hog and it will still ruin your day via the application of 30mm DU shells, and then fly home.

So that’s what Col. McSally was flying.  Before she became a squadron commander, and while she was successfully suing the Defense Department over having to wear the abaya while in Saudi Arabia. Which is to say, [the ad that the Democrats cut] is not an accurate image – and, using the rules that Democrats themselves claim to follow, a remarkably sexist one as well.  But then, I guess Pelosi is probably personally offended that McSally doesn’t have to jump through the same male-created hoops that Pelosi did in order to get ahead in politics…

Moe Lane

PS: Tough race, but a potential upset.  Martha McSally for Congress.

[Edited for clarity.]

Ryan/Biden debate: two word clouds, a YouTube video, and some idle speculation.

Via the Foundry comes these two word clouds of yesterday’s debate:

…and here’s an interesting game to play: quick, which one is which? Continue reading Ryan/Biden debate: two word clouds, a YouTube video, and some idle speculation.

#rsrh Barack Obama’s tepid reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance.

Yeah, I’m thinking Barack Obama didn’t really think that Joe Biden saved the re-election campaign last night:

Continue reading #rsrh Barack Obama’s tepid reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance.

My take on the debate.

Short version: if they were planning to get Joe Biden to save the campaign, well, they need a Plan C.  It was not an exercise in applied brutality like last week’s debate; but I seem to remember that Joe Biden wasn’t this much of an asshole when he was debating Sarah Palin.  That seems to have cost him among CNN’s undecided voters, who were generally meh towards the man.

One note: undecideds did react favorably to Biden on abortion.  Keep that in mind.

Anyway… won’t move the needle on its own, which means that the GOP won on points.  Ryan came across as knowing what the hell he was talking about, which is precisely the last thing that Joe Biden wanted to have happen.  Forward!

A look at the brutal Flake ad on Carmona (AZ SEN).

To understand this ad from Jeff Flake whaling on Richard Carmona in the AZ-SEN race…

…you need to know the background. Essentially, the woman in the ad is former Acting Assistant HHS Secretary Cristina Beato, who was Carmona’s boss back when he was Surgeon General under GW Bush.  You might remember that Mr. Carmona had an epic meltdown and public break with the previous administration over supposed politicization of science; Ms. Beato was called in to testify about that, and gave testimony about Carmona that then-Oversight chair Henry Waxman (D) promptly put on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of The Leopard*.”  Essentially, Beato called Carmona a liar, multiple times; painted him as a strutting, narcissistic twit who liked to brag about his access to the President; brought up Carmona’s habit of using travel allowances to get free rides home to Arizona and California; and … this bit. Continue reading A look at the brutal Flake ad on Carmona (AZ SEN).

#rsrh First blood in Project Veritas’ Double Voting sting.

Funny, I seem to remember seeing this movie before.

The Democratic National Committee has terminated the employment of Houston, Texas, Organizing For America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero after she was caught on camera calling voter fraud “cool” and “so funny” while advising a presumably-liberal voter how to vote twice.

Here’s the video of the sting operation:

But here’s the really fun part:

This video appears to be only the first in a series.

Do tell. Do tell.

Moe Lane