Tweet of the Day, I’m Sure Obama MEANS Well On The Economy edition.

Iowahawk noticed the exact same thing that I did.

George W. Bush’s highest unemployment rate was 7.8%. Barack Obama’s lowest rate, to date, is 7.9%.  Unlike many people out there, I think that Barack Obama tried very hard to get that rate down and did the best job that he was capable of, but it was apparently just too hard for him to personally manage.  I think that it’s time that somebody else got a shot at it.

Moe Lane

PS: Getting 171K jobs was  a good thing, of course.  We should always thank people for their efforts.

RS Interview: Jon Golnik (R CAND, MA-03).

MA-03 is a NE Massachusetts district currently represented by Niki Tsongas – and if you’re wondering who that is, don’t worry: nobody else particularly remembers her, either.  It’s an interesting district: represented by one of the more reflexively liberal Congresswomen in the House, but it has a history of voting for Republicans.  The current Republican candidate Jon Golnik is hoping to capitalize on that; we spoke to him this morning on the subject, as well as the race and Massachusetts generally.

Jon’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Mayor Bloomberg to hold marathon, despite pleas from Staten Island.

This is… foul. And more than a bit tawdry.

Desperately needed food, water and generators were being rushed Thursday to Sandy-ravaged Staten Island while local leaders blasted the city’s “idiotic” plan to stage the New York City Marathon in the midst of the crisis.

Staten Island Councilman James Oddo urged Mayor Bloomberg to reconsider, especially while rescue efforts are still underway on the hard-hit South Shore.

“The notion of diverting even one police officer, one first responder, one asset away from this carnage is beyond irrational,” the Republican lawmaker told The Daily News.

“The mayor said to me, ‘We’re not going to diminish what is happening on Staten Island.’ You know what happens on marathons – you put a cop on every corner. How are we going to have enough resources?”

The answer, of course: they won’t. Because Staten Islanders are not as important as NYC Marathoners, apparently.

And I am going to stop typing now.

Moe Lane

“This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries…”

“"This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion."”

- Here, via here.

New Romney-Ryan ad: “Secretary of Business.”

As Hot Air notes: when somebody tosses you a softball like this, you go ahead and hit it.

I forget who pointed this out first, but we already have a “Secretary of Business:” it’s called the Secretary of Commerce, only we actually haven’t had one since June.  The last guy (John Bryson) resigned for medical reasons in June, and the President hasn’t bothered to try to get a new one because Obama was apparently busier working on more important things, like Big Bird.  And that tells you the priorities of this administration, right there.

Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.

Sen. Bob Menendez (D, NJ) alleged to be involved in scandal with HOOKERS!

OK, yeah, let me explain something before we go any further.  I grew up in New Jersey, myself: and the word has never been ‘hookers’ to me.  It’s always been “HOOKERS!” – and pronounced, bizarrely enough, as if it’s being half-shouted by a Monmouth County Italian-American woman who’s been smoking for thirty years.

I’m sorry.  It’s just one of those things.

Anyway, Sen. Menendez might have gotten himself mixed up with some HOOKERS!:

For those without video access: basically, two Dominican Republic prostitutes have come forward to claim that the Senator paid for their services some time around Easter, 2012. Allegedly, the Senator only paid them $100 each of the $500 that they were promised (I think that they were only promised $500 in total). This supposedly happened in the Dominican Republic: the Daily Caller has traced the plane of a prominent Menendez donor – a plane used by the Senator on several occasions, in fact – which had flown up to a private airport convenient to Menendez, over to the compound where the alleged sex acts took place, and back to the United States at about the time that the alleged events occurred. And, if you’re wondering, the Senator had no official events at that time.
Continue reading Sen. Bob Menendez (D, NJ) alleged to be involved in scandal with HOOKERS!

New Romney ad: “Five Days.”

Saw this over at AoSHQ.

Home stretch, folks.  Get your game faces on and get ready to rock and roll… what’s that?  Oh, yes, if you prefer to polka you may do so as well.  We will even stretch the point and permit getting jazzed up.  But no waltzes, please.  Too slow.

Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.