Failed Blue states to leech off of successful Red ones? #obamacare

(H/T: Instapundit) By using the best friend of any dysfunctional (read: Democratic-controlled) state government: an over-reaching federal regulatory structure.

A main cause [for state fiscal woes] in addition to Medicaid, is the cost of health care for state and local government retirees. These largely unfunded obligations are similar to the pressures on the federal government to fulfill its unrealistic Medicare promises.

But there is a critical difference when it comes to how state and local governments can approach these obligations compared to the federal government. State and local governments can’t print money and typically have “balanced budget” requirements. More often than not, retiree health benefits are not guaranteed under state constitutions, are not insured, and are not protected by federal law, which means the systems in place can be changed.

States that offer extremely generous health benefits for government retirees, and which have little to no pre-funding for those benefits, could choose to move their retirees into the Affordable Care Act’s new exchanges. State and local governments would likely continue to contribute by paying some premium support to individual retirees for healthcare, but the federal government and/or participants in the exchanges would pick up much of the tab. For these states, the exchanges offer a chance to shore up their finances and relieve state taxpayers of some of the looming burden of financing all those retirees. It could be a huge opportunity for states and localities in desperate need of fixing their long-term finances, and one that they should seriously consider in the coming months. Continue reading Failed Blue states to leech off of successful Red ones? #obamacare

I’ve seen this via multiple accounts today… (with a challenge to @bwilliams)

…and it’s pretty danged funny: “Brian Williams raps Warren G’s ‘Regulate.’

I’d pay some money to see Brian Williams rap on his own. Not a ridiculous amount of money, but it’d be worth a twenty to Williams’ favorite charity.

New Mexico Attorney General Gary King’s (Democrat) …links… to stolen emails.

Oh man but this is going to throw a spanner into the works for Democrats in New Mexico next year.

Executive summary: Jamie Estrada, former campaign manager for Susana Martinez (now the Republican governor of New Mexico), is accused of stealing* emails from her campaign account and passing them along to Democratic operative (and accused pedophile[**]) Jason Loera. Loera is likewise accused of passing along selected emails to Democratic state chair Sam Bregman, who then used those emails in at least one court case. Loera and Bregman are linked – the former consulted for the latter – and at this point, well.  The whole thing is getting quite close to New Mexico Attorney General (and Democrat) Gary King. Continue reading New Mexico Attorney General Gary King’s (Democrat) …links… to stolen emails.

Hey, why not give Barack Obama something *to* look at wrt your credit card purchases?

Yes, apparently the NSA is doing that, now*.  But I’m sure that you can trust them; still, if they’re so intent in seeing what you’re buying, go ahead and give them a show.

Continue reading Hey, why not give Barack Obama something *to* look at wrt your credit card purchases?

Tanker full of Scotch crashes, explodes in NJ. #NOOOOOOOOOOO….


Tanker truck carrying 6,000 gallons of Scotch overturns, catches fire on New Jersey road

Commuters traveling this week on the Garden State Parkway may find themselves saying “l’chaim” as they drive past Woodbrige.

If there’s a fragrance of whiskey mixed with diesel fuel in the air, that’s because a tanker truck filled with 6,000 gallons of Scotch overturned on Tuesday, spilled its load and then caught fire on King Georges Road in the Fords section.

Oh, God. The humanity. The humanity.

“Discouragement for young writers.”

This is brilliant, bitter, bitterly brilliant, what have you: but if nothing else, it is a fascinatingly brutal essay, chock-full of absolutely necessary advice to aspiring writers.  A taste:

Buzz is nothing. Getting your name out there is nothing. All of the positive mentions and trackbacks and Facebook hits from that piece you did for somebody’s vanity project website are nothing. Money isn’t everything. But you can use it to buy food. Want to call yourself a writer? Get paid. Eat. Pay the rent. Never doubt that a generation of young “writers” is publishing endlessly, never getting paid, convinced that tomorrow some magazine will call and they’ll get to sign the Rich and Famous contract like from The Muppet Movie. Those people are idiots. They are also your competition.

It’s a tough life, to be sure.

Mark Kirk backhands Eric Holder over the executive branch’s spying on Congress.

Short version: Eric Holder got to be testifying before the Senate on a day where the big news was that the NSA was having Verizon pull its phone logs and hand them over to the federal government.  Mark Kirk had an opportunity to ask questions.

Hi-jinks, as they say, ensued.

For those of you who don’t have video, here’s a rough translation/summary of what Holder and Kirk said: Continue reading Mark Kirk backhands Eric Holder over the executive branch’s spying on Congress.

WaPo: Oh, by the way: the NSA lied about not spying on Americans. Oopsie!

Remember when the Obama administration had good weeks?

NSA chief, two weeks ago: ‘We’re the only ones not spying on the American people’

The National Security Agency recently asked Verizon to turn over telephone metadata for tens of millions of Americans, the Guardian reported Wednesday, based on a leaked court document that appears to show an NSA request for customer data from April through July.


Talk about awkward timing.

Continue reading WaPo: Oh, by the way: the NSA lied about not spying on Americans. Oopsie!