#DSCC Recruitment follies: still floundering in WV-SEN.

Just can’t quite see their way clear to get somebody strong to keep the seat.

Attorney Nick Preservati will not run for Senate in West Virginia, forcing Democrats to continue their search for a strong recruit in the 2014 battleground state.

Democrats have been hunting for a candidate in the Mountain State since Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., announced his retirement earlier this year. Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call rate this race Lean Republican.

Last year, Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, a Republican, announced her campaign for Rockefeller’s seat. She remains the top Republican in the race.

Continue reading #DSCC Recruitment follies: still floundering in WV-SEN.

Frank Lautenberg has passed.

He apparently has passed “due to complications from viral pneumonia.” He was 89 years old, and the last remaining World War II veteran in the Senate.

Our condolences to his family and loved ones.


Moe Lane (crosspost)

They discovered what was inside the Curiosity Cube!

…and it’s a.  Well.  Watch.

I have to agree with Graham Stark: Peter Molyneux is in fact a genius.  Despite the fact that Molyneux never seems to make a game that I ever want to play.


Well, I don’t know if Graham Stark would agree with that last bit.  It’s highly unlikely that Stark is personally aware of my existence, and even if he is, he’s probably not basing his reactions to things on what my game preferences are.  Or something.  Gimme a break, it’s Monday morning and I have a chore list as long as my arm.

So, they’re thinking of casting a female Doctor…

…look, I haven’t watched the show since Tom Baker (yeah, there are a LOT of things that I should be doing with my time, OK? Call me when they extend every day by eight hours), so in a sense this is me being a buttinsky, but I don’t know if you want to mess with the continu

A host of names have been suggested in Sunday’s papers, among them Idris Elba, Dame Helen Mirren and John Hurt. [Bolding mine – ML]

…OK never mind. I wouldn’t quibble if it was Helen Mirren. As Warren Ellis said of her performance in RED (which, by the way, was a movie that I loved to death):

Helen Mirren with a sniper rifle.

I mean, if you don’t want to see a film with Helen Mirren with a sniper rifle, I’m not sure I want to know you.

Well, I’m not quite THAT prejudiced, but I can see it from here.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I am aware that I am inviting a war in the comments thread.

White House: Will no Democrat ask us to fire this meddlesome AG?

This is what we in the business call a hint .

Over the course of four and a half years, no other member of President Obama’s cabinet has been at the center of so many polarizing episodes or the target of so much criticism. While the White House publicly backed Mr. Holder as he tried to smooth over the latest uproar amid new speculation about his future, some in the West Wing privately tell associates they wish he would step down, viewing him as politically maladroit. But the latest attacks may stiffen the administration’s resistance in the near term to a change for fear of emboldening critics.

See, this administration never gives in to terrori… no, wait, sorry: I was thinking of the Bush Administration.  This administration never wants to give into Republicans (which is not even remotely the same thing, fever dreams of the Online Left to the contrary).  So they’re not going to want to escort Eric Holder out of the door simply on my say-so*.  But if they can get a bunch of Democrats to regretfully say that it is of course a shame that the GOP is politicizing this issue, blah blah, that it’s so unfair that Holder is a target of a witch hunt, yadda yadda, but nonetheless the reality must be faced that Republican intransigence has put Holder in an untenable position, etc, etc, etc… we all know how the game is played by now, yes?

Continue reading White House: Will no Democrat ask us to fire this meddlesome AG?

Helpful reminder: Communism kills, capitalism saves.

Remember, in the 20th century:

Sorry to repeat the point, but it never hurts to remind folks that there was a right side, and a wrong side, and the Commies were on the wrong side.

Moe Lane

*Please note, by the way, that Norman Borlaug quite rightly felt that GMO opponents were, well, idiots with no historical awareness. This is largely because Norman Borlaug was a product of his time and culture, which was largely intolerant towards idiots with no historical awareness.