Robo Raven.

This should impress you. It certainly impressed me, and my wife the roboticist. (you may be forgiven for thinking that the latter is harder to do):

All demos are faked, of course – but keep watching to 1:49, where Robo Raven passes the Turing Test. Or, more accurately, the Raptor Test.

Moe Lane

PS: So, why is the Army funding robotic bird research? Why, I can’t imagine why we would want to do something like that.

American public: IRS guilty as sin, but protected by @barackobama.

A fish rots from the head down.

If I was a Democratic operative, I’d be worrying like the blazes about these numbers:

A new Rasmussen Reports poll found 53 percent of likely U.S. voters believe the IRS broke the law when it targeted tea party and other conservative groups, while only 24 percent disagree.

But only 17 percent believe it is even somewhat likely that criminal charges will be brought against any government employees for IRS’s targeting of these groups. Seventy-four percent consider criminal charges unlikely. This number includes 27 percent who say charges are not at all likely.

Continue reading American public: IRS guilty as sin, but protected by @barackobama.

In the mail: “Castle: The Complete First Season.”

Mind you, actually getting Castle: The Complete First Season to play on my computer was a chore.  Can somebody tell me why Windows 8 decided that I didn’t want to watch DVDs on my desktop anymore?

It’s the little things about this OS that annoy.


Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: I… don’t know why I thought any of you would care about this, sorry.

A mildly unpleasant #Obamacare truth. And an absolutely *hysterical* one.

  • Mildly unpleasant truth: today’s Republican votes will have no effect on general Senate elections in 2014, 2016, and 2018.  Primary voters will either punish the Senators who voted Yes on cloture, or they will not.  Either way, the vote will not be an issue in the general election.
  • Absolutely hysterical truth: Today’s Democratic votes will have an effect on general Senate elections in 2014, 2016, and 2018.  Primary voters may not punish Democratic Senators for this – Democratic primary voters are over-represented by fringe types who actually like Obamacare – but general voters are another story.

Sorry I’m not being gloomy about this.  It’s just that I remember what it was like before RedState started trying to get people elected to office.  Lot of friends of the site stood next to Senator Ted Cruz this week, starting with Ted Cruz instead.  It’s a process, not an event.

I *like* it when people like Sen. Tom Harkin (D, IA) hate people like me in public.

No illusions, no pretending, no hypocrisy. Just The Ugly.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on Friday said that the Tea Party movement is just as dangerous for America as the Civil War.

“A small group of willful men and women who have a certain ideology about how our country should run and what we should do cannot get their way in a normal discourse and votes,” Harkin said. “Since they can’t get their way they’re going to create this confusion and discourse and hope the public is so mixed up in who to blame for this that perhaps they’ll blame both sides.”

“That is the path they see for taking over the government. It’s dangerous, very dangerous. … Every bit as dangerous as the break up and the Civil War.”

It… clarifies things.

Moe Lane

Tweet/Video of the Day, The Democrats Don’t Know What To Do About #Obamacare edition.

Short version of the video below: guy goes up to Rep. Jared Polis (D, CO), tells Polis that the guy’s premiums – thanks to Obamacare – have almost doubled, and asks Polis what’s so affordable about the Affordable Care Act, anyway. Polis’s response? He pretends that this problem is unique to the guy, and can thus be somehow fixed with a phone call.

Continue reading Tweet/Video of the Day, The Democrats Don’t Know What To Do About #Obamacare edition.