LA Times grudgingly publishes op-ed calling for @barackobama to cave.

I admit it, I admit it: there’s a dark joy in seeing an opposition newspaper being almost forced to hand over op-ed space for a piece that they never, ever wanted to publish.  Case in point for today?  The LA Times.  I wonder how much of the bottle of cheap whiskey they chugged before they allowed this op-ed to hit the printers:

Obama is ducking a leader’s duty

Although most Americans oppose the GOP’s shutdown strategy, for the good of the nation President Obama needs to show a leader’s courage and take ideas from his opposition.

Continue reading LA Times grudgingly publishes op-ed calling for @barackobama to cave.

There is no magic bullet that will keep you anonymous on the Internet.

Something that jumped out at me in this article about how the Feds took down nortorious online drug marketplace Silk Road and its alleged owner Ross Ulbricht (which may or may not be the secret identity of Silk Road owner “Dread Pirate Roberts”):

Indeed, in an interview conducted with Forbes this summer, the (current) Dread Pirate Roberts maintained that he was not actually the creator of the Silk Road as the FBI believes. Like his namesake in The Princess Bride, the Dread Pirate Roberts was a role that had been handed down from one man to the next, he said. In this telling, the current Roberts found Silk Road soon after it launched in 2011, identified a flaw in its Bitcoin handling, earned the trust of the site’s owner by helping him fix it, and eventually became a business partner who finally bought out the original owner.

Whatever the truth of this origin story, a good Dread Pirate Roberts never wants to be the last Dread Pirate Roberts. He knows when he’s been in the job too long—and he gets out before he loses his edge. If the feds are right, however, Ulbricht was actually making sloppy mistakes from the start. And it didn’t take technical back doors to find him; it just took a lot of solid detective work, some subpoenas, and a search engine.

Continue reading There is no magic bullet that will keep you anonymous on the Internet.

Is the best #obamacare exchange deal more than $400/year than your current plan? Then eat the tax.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal noted something in passing that struck me:

In California, for the Silver plans offered by Anthem Blue Cross and Kaiser Permanente, the monthly premium for a family of four is nearly $1,000. As one potential online enrollee tweeted, “It didn’t even show me Gold (plan). Probably figure I’d have a heart attack right there.” It did show the bronze plan, at a cost of about $750 per month — along with a whopping $5,000 deductible and out-of-pocket expenses of 40 percent.

It’s much the same in Nevada, with bronze plans ranging from $582 to $745 monthly, and deductibles as high as $6,300 with 40 percent out-of-pocket expenses. And regardless of whether you need an individual plan or a family plan, even with a subsidy, you are looking at a huge increase in premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, with stringent limits on care. Beyond the technical glitches, these plans don’t make financial sense for many individuals and families. It will make far more financial sense to buy a non-Obamacare compliant plan and pay the penalty tax. People will figure that out soon enough — and they won’t be happy about it.

(Bolding mine) In 2014, the Obamacare tax penalty will be 1% of taxable income above $10K.  Assuming a median household income of $50K, that means that if the price differential between an Obamacare-qualifying plan and an existing/potential non-Obamacare is more than $400/year, it makes sense to eat the tax (and vote Republican in November).  And apparently the government didn’t really take into consideration the possibility that rates were going to skyrocket enough in their Potemkin Village of a marketplace.

Colorado women display their clothing budget under #Obamacare.

They appoarently won’t even be able to buy pants.


If you’re wondering why I put this picture up – rest assured, there’s no prurient interest involved at all – it’s because I wanted to note that stuff like this doesn’t actually work.  I know that PETA does it all the time (indeed, the article notes that); I also know that PETA never actually accomplishes anything.  If Obamacare was a great deal, they wouldn’t need girls stripped down to their knickers to sell the product. Continue reading Colorado women display their clothing budget under #Obamacare.

Some partisans never learn: some poor response choices wrt Capitol lockdown.

Let me recap some reactions to the Capitol situation, here:

  • Class of Lefty Idiots #1: This attack shows that the NRA is evil! Ahh… no (and see @JohnEkdhal‘s timeline for some really egregious examples of this particular class of idiot).  It’s becoming clear that the only guns were being used by cops shooting at a person who was using an automobile as a deadly weapon.  When you try to rush the security gate with your car, you are in fact using deadly force.
  • Class of Lefty Idiots #2: The cops aren’t being paid!  Ahh… yes, they are.  Don’t these people know the actual details of the shutdown?
  • Class of Lefty Idiots #3: I wish that a Righty had eaten a bullet! Ahh… seek professional help (again, see @JohnEkdhal‘s timeline for some really egregious examples of this particular class of idiot).

And now you know why I wrote this: Continue reading Some partisans never learn: some poor response choices wrt Capitol lockdown.

Military academy games back on! …And, oh, yeah: @BarackObama is weak.

Via Ace Of Spades HQ comes the latest defeat for Barack Obama in his Washington Monument Syndrome campaign: military academy football is back on.

U.S. military academy football teams will play this weekend, despite the government shutdown.

A senior defense official said Wednesday the decision affects this weekend’s games only, and future games will be evaluated as events unfold. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly so spoke on condition of anonymity.

Translation: Those idiots in the White House may not understand about football, but we do. Needless to say, you can guess how those future games will be “evaluated” – spoiler warning: football fans with an opinion on military academy games will not suddenly start changing their minds – but that leads to a larger point. To wit: this administration has the same kind of killer instinct that so infused the career of Confederate General Braxton Bragg. Continue reading Military academy games back on! …And, oh, yeah: @BarackObama is weak.

@BarackObama attacks the right of workers to strike. …Wait, WHAT?

Apparently the labor union movement has been deemed to be nonessential government employees:

“If a worker shut down a manufacturing plant until they got what they wanted, they’d be fired.” …Wow. It’s not every day that a Republican gets to stick up for the right of the working man to strike for better pay and working conditions. Makes you wonder whether Barack Obama’s feeling nostalgic for the days when you could just send in the Pinkertons to take care of uppity malcontents… Continue reading @BarackObama attacks the right of workers to strike. …Wait, WHAT?

…Ayup. Ayup, I’ve seen these critters in other sites’ comments sections.

I’d like to tut-tut this Buzzfeed article (“The 12 Types Of People You Find In News Website Comments“), but…

7. Jazz bigots.

Kay Traits: Not constrained by the normal boundaries of bigotry, they improvise and riff on classic hatreds to create crazy new freeform be-bop slurs so unique that you can only think “wow, I had no idea that could even be a prejudice.”
Typical Quotes: There are no typical Jazz Bigot quotes.

…as a site moderator for RedState* I was laughing too hard. Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m just encouraging Buzzfeed.

Moe Lane



*My commenters here, of course, are all perfectly lovely people who make an effort to behave with each other** and play nice.

**And buy me things.