Tweet of the Day, Reality Has Defeated Me, Part II edition.

I really got nothing, folks.


And I wanted to put up some non-political posts today*, too. But, there was… this stuff.

Via Twitchy.

*And to put up, not quite incidentally, some Amazon links, too.

The Congressional class of 1974 is almost gone, thank God.

Michael Barone notes that we’re down to two:

Henry Waxman and George Miller are retiring from the House and not running for re-election after 40 years as a congressmen from southern and northern California.

Also retiring and not running for re-election is Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa. Senator Max Baucus of Montana will resign if, as expected, he is confirmed as ambassador to China. Both were first elected to the House in 1974 and were later elected to the Senate.

These four are just about the last members serving in Congress of the 75 Democrats first elected to the House in the Watergate year of 1974.

Continue reading The Congressional class of 1974 is almost gone, thank God.

Today was the epitome of Reality Has Defeated Me. #obamacare #cbo

Like Hot Air, I am gobsmacked: if I had told you yesterday that the White House’s spin on today’s CBO report of DOOM would be that losing the equivalent of 2.3 million workers by 2021 was a good thing you’d have laughed at me as the partisan hack that I was.  And I would have laughed, too: because that would have been crazy. Downright loony, even.

Walp: Continue reading Today was the epitome of Reality Has Defeated Me. #obamacare #cbo

…Yeah, Scott Brown is running for Senate in New Hampshire.

I don’t know anything officially, nor have I been told anything in confidence.  But this isn’t my first cotillion, and I know how the dance moves go.  This is a statement made by a guy who is planning to run…

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s plan to make Granite Staters pay more to keep their doctors and maintain access to their hospitals is “sad,” former U.S. Senator Scott Brown tells NH Journal exclusively today. Brown is considering a run against Shaheen in 2014.

“Her [Shaheen’s] so called ‘fix,’ shows how out of touch she is with the people of NH and this country,” Brown told NH Journal. “People are already paying a tremendous amount for their plans and her votes have denied them the ability to stick with the doctors, hospitals and plans they love. That is always the answer from the DC crowd, pay more. Sad.”

…and it is a statement made by a guy who wants you to remember why he was elected Senator in Massachusetts in the first place.

Hey, everybody! @TheFix wrote a GREAT campaign ad for the GOP! #obamacare


Close your eyes for a minute and fast forward to October. And imagine yourself sitting in a Charlotte hotel room watching TV. And this ad comes on: “Kay Hagan voted for Obamacare, a law whose rollout was so botched that a million people decided to not even sign up for health coverage. And the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will cost America 2 million jobs. Kay Hagan voted wrong. Now it’s time to vote her out.” That’s a VERY tough hit on any Democratic incumbent who voted for the Affordable Care Act.

…RUN THAT PUPPY. Run a version in every state with a Democratic incumbent. It’s not the Holy Grail, but as written it’s danged useable. I might suggest we also try a version that ends with If you like your Senator, you can keep your Senator… but that’s just me.

Thanks, Chris Cillizza!

Moe Lane

Quote of the Day, I’ve Seen This Argument Before edition.

Heck, I’ve made this argument before, although I don’t remember if I ever did publicly. Mark Thiessen:

Americans have lost confidence not only in Obama’s competence but also in the competence of the federal government. And therein lies the great, unintended conservative achievement of the Obama presidency: Barack Obama has done more to discredit the cause of big government than a thousand Reagan speeches ever did.

This is one reason, by the way, that I take with a grain of salt most assertions that the President has a Secret Plan to radically change the country: based on the clown show that I’ve been watching for the last five years, we’d be a good deal safer if Obama did.  The real problem with Barack Obama is that he’s at his most dangerous when he’s trying his best.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane


Rob Andrews (D, New Jersey-01) cuts and runs. While still under an House Ethics investigation.

Gee.  I wonder why.

Rep. Robert E. Andrews, D-N.J., will resign from Congress this month to take a job with a Philadelphia Law Firm, according to a report from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Andrews, a Pelosi ally, is scheduled to host an 11:30 a.m. press conference in his southern New Jersey district, the newspaper also reported.

The 12-term Democrat is currently under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, which was reportedly questioning whether the congressman used funds from his re-election campaign to pay for a trip to Scotland for his family.

More on that: Continue reading Rob Andrews (D, New Jersey-01) cuts and runs. While still under an House Ethics investigation.