So why isn’t the NRSC doing more in, say, New Hampshire’s Senate race? Or, indeed, anything?

I’m not exactly sure what the reasoning is, here.

  • It’s not because the race isn’t competitive.  It is – or, more accurately, it could be. Jeanne Sheehan is ahead of Scott Brown by 6.5 points in the current RCP average, sure.  But she’s also under 50% in the aggregate polling, which is the usual rule of thumb for an incumbent in trouble.  This is the sort of situation where throwing some advertisting cash into the mix could really come in handy.
  • Of course, it’s a little late for that now – back in May the Democrats blocked out about $1 million in ad buys for New Hampshire. I have been told that Senate Majority PAC has likewise put in $1.2 million.  The NRSC… has decided not to spend any money for the last month.
  • The problem here may simply be that there’s bad blood.  Now, this may be over something like Brown’s early (perhaps premature, in some people’s eyes) hard line on illegal immigration issues; or it may simply be that Scott Brown had some moderately harsh words to say about the NRSC’s operation back in 2011, and nobody ever forgets a slight in This Town*.
  • Either way, there doesn’t seem to be any last-minute money coming down the pipe. Which is… odd.

OK, let’s do cards-on-the-table.  On November 5th, the NRSC is going to go out and give itself a giant big pat on the back because, hey, they won the Senate! And they’re going to be exceedingly smug about it, because they’ll have in the process re-elected Mitch McConnell, and Thad Cochran, and – in my personal opinion, which I have not been shy about expressing – Pat Roberts.  And that’s fine; or, rather, that’s what will happen, so you might as well be prepared for it.

Continue reading So why isn’t the NRSC doing more in, say, New Hampshire’s Senate race? Or, indeed, anything?

Excuse me, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D), but is that Barack Obama’s dagger in your back?

This was just mean:

Former Bay State U.S. Senator Scott Brown is reacting to President Obama’s comments about his potential Senate run in New Hampshire.

“I’d be happy to – you know, if Scott Brown wants to move down to Texas, you know, then we could always use some moderate Republicans in other parts of the country…”

Or possibly just stupidly incompetent of the President.  Either explanation will do. Continue reading Excuse me, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D), but is that Barack Obama’s dagger in your back?

So, it looks like Scott Brown is going to run for New Hampshire-SEN.

Anybody surprised by this?

Former Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., will launch an exploratory committee to run for Senate against Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in neighboring New Hampshire, CBS News’ John Dickerson and Nancy Cordes have learned, giving the Republican Party hope for a pickup as they push for a Senate majority in November.

Continue reading So, it looks like Scott Brown is going to run for New Hampshire-SEN.

…Yeah, Scott Brown is running for Senate in New Hampshire.

I don’t know anything officially, nor have I been told anything in confidence.  But this isn’t my first cotillion, and I know how the dance moves go.  This is a statement made by a guy who is planning to run…

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s plan to make Granite Staters pay more to keep their doctors and maintain access to their hospitals is “sad,” former U.S. Senator Scott Brown tells NH Journal exclusively today. Brown is considering a run against Shaheen in 2014.

“Her [Shaheen’s] so called ‘fix,’ shows how out of touch she is with the people of NH and this country,” Brown told NH Journal. “People are already paying a tremendous amount for their plans and her votes have denied them the ability to stick with the doctors, hospitals and plans they love. That is always the answer from the DC crowd, pay more. Sad.”

…and it is a statement made by a guy who wants you to remember why he was elected Senator in Massachusetts in the first place.

I can’t see how Scott Brown stays out of the New Hampshire Senate race.

If he’s being told about polls like this

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) is tied with former Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown in a new survey of the New Hampshire Senate race — even though Brown hasn’t officially entered the race.

The survey, from bipartisan consulting firm Purple Strategies and first reported in The Boston Globe, gives both Shaheen and Brown 44 percent support among likely New Hampshire voters.

…the temptation must be strong.

Continue reading I can’t see how Scott Brown stays out of the New Hampshire Senate race.

@ScottBrownMA taunts me.

Incredibly so, in fact.


Scott Brown, you *damned* well better be just making buzz for a MA-GOV run.

Seriously. This is not the time.

Former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown told Iowa State Fair visitors on Sunday that he is “exploring a possible run” for president in 2016, according to reports.

According to WBZ Channel 4, Brown, a Republican, told a CBS affiliate that he is measuring interest in his “brand of politics.” The Iowa State Fair is a frequent stop for possible Oval Office contenders.

Now, if he is just making buzz for his MA-GOV run, that’s cool. Good strategy, in fact. Gets his name in the local Massachusetts papers for free.  But this is not something that should happen for real.

Huh. I guess Scott Brown’s running for Governor of MA next year.

I am legitimately surprised

Former Sen. Scott P. Brown, the Massachusetts Republican unseated by Democrat Elizabeth Warren in 2012, announced Friday he will not run in the Senate special election to fill the seat held by Sen. John Kerry.

“Over these past few weeks I have given serious thought about the possibility of running again, as events have created another vacancy requiring another special election. I have received a lot of encouragement from friends and supporters to become a candidate, and my competitive instincts were leading in the same direction,” he said in a statement.

“Even so, I was not at all certain that a third Senate campaign in less than four years, and the prospect of returning to a Congress even more partisan than the one I left, was really the best way for me to continue in public service at this time. And I know it’s not the only way for me to advance the ideals and causes that matter most to me,” he said.

Continue reading Huh. I guess Scott Brown’s running for Governor of MA next year.

US Senate kicks off Scott Brown’s special election run.

Oh, am I anticipatingMy bad.

The United States Senate voted today to confirm Sen. John Kerry as the next secretary of state.

Just five days ago, Kerry, a democratic senator from Massachusetts, testified before the committee he chaired. As NPR’s Michele Kelemen reported at the time, the hearing was a love fest.

94-3; Twitter says that Cornyn, Cruz, & Inhofe all voted no.  Gonna be a humdinger of a campaign, there; the Democrats are right now kind of hoping that Brown maybe wants to run for Governor, instead, largely because Brown’s polling numbers are wicked good, to quote the regional patois of my extended family.  Guess we’ll see, huh?

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, Kerry’s a putz.  On the bright side, I still have strong hopes that his wife will start a diplomatic incident with somebody I don’t like anyway.

#rsrh This would be where Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN) [expletive deleted] the bed…

in tonight’s debate:

DAVID GREGORY: Can you name Republicans in the Senate today that you are able to work with on big issues, substantive issues that the country faces?

ELIZABETH WARREN: Probably Richard Lugar would be one that comes to mind.

GREGORY: Not going to be there.

WARREN: He’s not going to be there.

Then again, at this rate? Neither will Elizabeth Warren.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for MA-SEN.