Video/Audio recording bleg.

Basically: if I want to keep decent sound quality for my phone interviews I need to stop converting them into MP3 format. Unfortunately, I am not exactly a sound engineer, so I don’t know what the alternatives are. I want to mostly keep the audio files on this site, which gives me a single-digit MB limit per file (which I don’t really want to adjust); what format should I be using, and what editing software.

Also: I need something better than Movie Maker for my YT files. I know, I know: evergreen complaint.

RedState Interview: Rick Wilson and I discuss the Democrats’ Cruel Emails of Fear.

So, you’ve probably heard by now of the infamous, frothing, subtly alarming extremist emails that the Democrats have been sending out* trying to troll for cash.  In between bouts of being disquieted and amused, I asked myself: Why are they doing it? Clearly there’s a reason. So I reached out to a buddy of mine on Twitter – Rick Wilson, who does actual** campaign work – to get some insider insight.  Here’s our conversation:

Continue reading RedState Interview: Rick Wilson and I discuss the Democrats’ Cruel Emails of Fear.

Apparently, all of the (Democratic) political operatives that the NYT knows are functional sociopaths.

It’s the only explanation for this:

As Congress examines security breaches at the White House, even opposition lawmakers who have spent the last six years fighting his every initiative have expressed deep worry for his security.

…I had a more measured response planned, but Charles Cooke wrote it for me, and I’m not going to give Peter Baker the satisfaction of knowing that he made me swear at him.  But, yeah: this is the sort of nonsense that we have to deal with: people who work with monsters… and then assume that the rest of us are just the same kinds of monsters, just with a different colored tie.

It’s really kind of horrible, when you think about it.