You won’t believe this easy trick proving Hillary Clinton’s in electoral trouble!

What do you want, anyway? A signed note from God?

Continue reading You won’t believe this easy trick proving Hillary Clinton’s in electoral trouble!

Quote of the Day, Trolling Level: Master edition.

This is good, solid work:

What Clinton needs most of all is a way out, a means of escape. Before she can recover politically, the legal uncertainty must end. And the only way to end it is a presidential pardon. Clinton’s future isn’t only tied to President Obama’s job approval and economic performance. It’s also tied to his compassion. Obama alone can resuscitate Hillary’s campaign.

It’s the ‘compassion’ part that impresses. It’s that extra attention to detail that distinguishes the master from the journeyman. I despair at ever consistently playing at this level.

A week to go on Shadowrun: Hong Kong!

Third one in the video game series; I picked it up during the Kickstarter and can’t wait to play it. In fact, I’m gonna go through the first two again ahead of time and get properly in the mood. What’s the program that people use to record their gameplay? It might be amusing to listen to me flail about a bit, as I am wont to do in video games.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R, AR) terminating contracts with Arkansas Planned Parenthood.

Elections matter.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson has directed the Department of Human Services to terminate Medicaid contracts with Planned Parenthood. “Termination will be effective thirty days from the date of the letter attached,” Hutchinson said in statement. The feds have recently told two other states that this maneuver violates federal law [Actually, they said ‘may.’ See below – ML].

You think that a Democratic governor Mike Ross (the guy Asa Hutchinson beat last year) would have done this, if the vote had gone the other way last year? – No, me neither. Ross certainly wouldn’t have provoked a possible showdown with the feds. And note that the correct term is ‘possible:’ contra that link above, the reality of the situation is that the federal government is carefully saying that the states may be violating federal law.

“CMS has notified states who have taken action to terminate their Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood that they may be in conflict with federal law,” Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Ben Wakana said in a statement.

Continue reading Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R, AR) terminating contracts with Arkansas Planned Parenthood.

Advice needed on a decent speech-to-text software program.

It doesn’t have to be free, but it doesn’t need to be professional quality, either. I need something that I can mess around with and learn the ropes on. I also would rather pay a few bucks than deal with ads and stuff.


[UPDATE: What comes with Windows is, on first look, horrible. I want to transcribe interviews, which means that I need a success rate that’s better than 40%. If that.]

So, yesterday was apparently National Left-hander’s Day.

Speaking as a left-handed person: meh. Being left-handed in a right-handed world is simultaneously not that big a deal, while still indeed being slightly annoying; but you gotta more or less have to get over it. Hearing that there’s a day for it feels like hearing that there’s a new DLC out for a game that I don’t actually play, but everybody assumes that I do.

Continue reading So, yesterday was apparently National Left-hander’s Day.

Is a storm a-coming to California?

They’re hoping:

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center said Thursday that all computer models are predicting a strong El Niño to peak in the late fall or early winter. A host of observations have led scientists to conclude that “collectively, these atmospheric and oceanic features reflect a significant and strengthening El Niño.”

Certainly California needs it.  On the other hand, apparently even a mega-El Nino won’t fix California’s drought problem, but every little bit helps, you know? And on the gripping hand… the researchers and people quoted in that article left themselves a lot of wiggle room. So I guess we’ll see if it rains.


Your long-desiccated scandal of the day: Warren Harding’s (R*) love child revealed!

Sorry, wahat was that? You don’t care?

Genetic analysis has proved that President Warren G. Harding fathered a child out of wedlock with long-rumored mistress Nan Britton, according to AncestryDNA, a division of

Britton set off a Jazz Age scandal when she went public with her tale of forbidden love in the White House, boldly publishing her story in a 1927 best-selling memoir, “The President’s Daughter.” But historians long questioned her claims, and Harding defenders vilified her as a liar for nearly 90 years.

Well, apparently somebody still does, if ‘Harding defenders’ are still a thing. No, I don’t know why, either. I just work here, man.

Moe Lane

*”NAME! THAT! PARTY!!!!!” …What? It seemed like an obvious joke.