You should just accept that I will fanboy over the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies film.

Because I am going to go watch this film.  I am going to watch the HELL out of this film. It’s coming out on February 5th, and the only reason why I haven’t reserved tickets yet is because I don’t really expect it to be sold out, more’s the pity:

I understand that the basic conceit became trite and overdone, but the original book was great fun. I look forward to seeing the movie version. Because sometimes things get to be just for me, OK?

Quote of the Day, Tremble In Fear At This Speculation edition.

The leadup will take too long to explain, so just click through, this one time. OK? OK.  So heeeeeere’s the quote:

…With JJ Abrams having helmed both the Star Trek and Star Wars movie franchises, this is the sign that the worst idea for a crossover event ever is in the works and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. It’s the theoretical universe-destroying contact between Redshirts that must always die and Stormtroopers that must always miss. If any of us survive and manage to rebuild our lost civilization, remember to keep the knowledge of where our hubris became too great and brought our works to ruin.

There’s only one reason why this can’t happen.  Disney owns Star Wars. Paramount owns Star Trek. I don’t think that either company is willing to let the other get its dirty mitts on each other’s intellectual property.

Moe Lane

PS: The Federation would kick the Empire’s asses, of course.

Hey, does anybody listen to ‘Welcome to Night Vale?’

It sounds vaguely familiar; and my wife sent me a link to some sort of show that they’re doing in DC in April.  I dunno if I want to invest the time in it, though. I mean, the idea of “a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff’s Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events” does seem like the sort of thing that I’d be into; but there are only 168 hours in a week, and I feel a little compressed as it is.

So, does anybody listen to it already?

Chaos and Old Night in Dizzy City!

And so it begins.

Here’s the thing, though: I’ve lived down here for over a decade and a half, and… Washington DC gets more snow and frozen rain than they’d admit. There is increasingly no real reason for these people to be so bad about dealing with a little snow and/or other bad weather. They need to start learning how to deal…

Moe Lane

PS: At this point, my kids are openly speculating that there will be no school tomorrow, because, ZOMG, there are flakes in the sky the night before. …They should not be probably right! THEY SHOULD NOT BE RIGHT.

Caltech thinks that it’s found a tenth planet.




Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles). In fact, it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun.

It’s actually pretty interesting stuff: read the whole thing. Just be prepared for a little anti-Plutonian bigotry at the end, there. Unwelcome, but not unexpected.

Via Memeorandum.

I continue to oppose the federal government’s ethanol crony capitalism.

I do not like the idea of expanding, or even retaining, ethanol subsidies. I do not think that ethanol subsidies are good for the country, or for poor people, or even for our cars. And I am unconvinced of the wisdom of Republicans pandering to a state that votes Democratic on the Presidential level.

I am not going to keep my mouth shut on that simply because candidates disagree with me.  I never have. I’m not going to start now.