Item Seed: The Faerie Van.


The Faerie Van

The Faerie Van resembles an old-style red Volkswagen microbus with opaque windows and a skylight.  It glows under magical scans, for very obvious reasons: it’s intensely magical.  It’s also perfectly safe if you enter the Van through the doors; it drives like a bus and works like one.  However, if you go in or out through the skylight… you probably aren’t coming back.  The skylight acts each way as a portal to a fairyland – one of the unpleasant ones – and going through doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to come back.

The Faerie Van was enchanted this way in the 1960s, as part of an abortive invasion of our plane of existence that was only called off when the invaders realized just how much cold iron was present on Earth these days.  Being Fae, they never bothered to turn off the portal in the Van.  After all, this way they get the occasional visitor…