Reasonable Metahuman Solutions – Google Docs
Reasonable Metahuman Solutions
Reasonable Metahuman Solutions (RMS) is in the metahuman employment business; which, in a world where superheroes and supervillains exist, is not particularly unusual. What does make RMS unusual is that they almost exclusively hire ex-convicts (both villains and henchmen). The company will even hire violent ex-convicts, provided that they have served their sentences and have no outstanding warrants. The employee demographics tend to skew towards older metahumans and henchmen, but RMS gets its fair share of younger ex-cons who had a taste of prison, and who aren’t eager to go back.
RMS has, of course, been investigated to a fare-thee-well by the superhero community for this habit, but: it seems to be a company that’s on the up-and-up. RMS specializes in doing jobs that could benefit from metahuman abilities and who are not too fussy about the metahumans doing it. The company mostly does construction work, large-scale earthmoving, bulk garbage transportation, large-area site security; if it’s extremely unglamorous but worth a decent amount of money, RMS is probably trying to get the contract.
RMS personnel tend to be insanely loyal employees, assuming that they make it through the first three month probationary period (which typically merely weeds out the habitual supervillains and incorrigible henchmen). The pay is actually decent and there’s always steady work for people with metahuman abilities. Former henchmen may have to scramble a bit more for a while, but RMS simply does not care if you have a criminal record as the former minion of Doctor Nefaria or whatever, and does care if you learned something useful while in her employ. A surprising number of henchmen have valuable technical or technological skills, and RMS can find them jobs. And RMS will even keep the parole officers from being too much of a hassle.
This, not coincidentally, helps keep RMS from being the target of too many supervillain schemes. Everybody still in the Life knows somebody keeping his or her head down and working for RMS; and they also know that RMS might someday be their own last-ditch option. If that doesn’t make a difference, consider this: destroy the company, and you’ve just destroyed the only thing keeping under control a horde of aging metahumans and henchmen who now suddenly have nothing to lose. Which has proven, thus far, to make even the most megalomaniacal villain suddenly become thoughtful.