It was a lot of fun to see it on the big screen. My wife and I had a blast, although I spent most of the movie manfully trying not to say the dialogue along with the actor. I do not have The Princess Bride memorized, but I could make an excellent stab* at it. Oh, well: maybe some of you on the West Coast can still catch a 7 PM showing…
Moe Lane
PS: My wife has already indicated that we must go see Casablanca next month. Fine by me!
*I found it interesting, by the way, that every stab and slice that Count Rugen inflicted on Inigo Montoya was replicated, in full and in the same place, by Inigo upon Rugen. It was a nice touch. Although Rugen would have probably disagreed.
We went to go see it on Sunday, I definitely appreciate you pointing it out. Neither of us saw it when it came out in the 80s on the big screen. Looking back at movie release dates, I’m fairly certain I went to see ‘Amazon Women on the Moon’ that weekend instead.
They advertised an upcoming showing of Casablanca on Nov 15, unfortunately I will be out of the country that day, or I’d definitely be up for that.