Well, back from Farpoint.

It was… not as successful as I would have liked. I didn’t quite make my table fee back; I’m not sure whether this was because the site was more science fiction than fantasy/horror, or because the venue didn’t attract as many people this year as they usually do, or just stuff going on. Don’t get me wrong, I sold books, and I came close to breaking even on the table: but I was honestly hoping for more business.

Ach, well. It was good info to have. I’m already doing better than the average; it seems ungrateful to too badly want to be doing yet better still.

Moe Lane

PS: Kickstarter! Which is going well. So spread the word!

4 thoughts on “Well, back from Farpoint.”

  1. If it’s any comfort, I think you can still justify the expense for “exposure”, as chiche’ as that has become.

  2. I don’t think it’s ungrateful to want to be successful. There aren’t a lot of people who coasted into success.

  3. And next year you’ll have a sci-fi book out to cater to them – Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    1. Well, here’s hoping. The book still needs to be whipped into shape for an alpha read and I have to wait for money pools to refill before I can start moving it along after that.

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