Well, back from Farpoint.

It was… not as successful as I would have liked. I didn’t quite make my table fee back; I’m not sure whether this was because the site was more science fiction than fantasy/horror, or because the venue didn’t attract as many people this year as they usually do, or just stuff going on. Don’t get me wrong, I sold books, and I came close to breaking even on the table: but I was honestly hoping for more business.

Ach, well. It was good info to have. I’m already doing better than the average; it seems ungrateful to too badly want to be doing yet better still.

Moe Lane

PS: Kickstarter! Which is going well. So spread the word!

Testing the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter QR Code.

I’m going to need this for Farpoint, which will start in two days. I’m hoping to get some backers at the same time that I sell some books, because synergistic effects are awesome. I’ll also be handing out free PDFs of the pre-release RPG, because every little bit helps.

It should work fine, but let me know if it doesn’t.

I will be selling my books at Farpoint 29 in a week!

I plan to have the table up and running Friday night, and I should be leaving some time Sunday. If you’re at Farpoint, stop on by! I will be happy to sell you a book. If you’re not going to be at Farpoint, just… buy ’em now, I guess?

Moe Lane

PS: I suspect a little burnout, so I’m taking a break from writing stuff until Sunday. Although now I’m thinking about what Lucas is up to


I have applied for a vendor table at Farpoint 29.

Farpoint is an experiment: I’ve seen what kind of business I can do at the smaller venues, so now I’m ready to try a larger one. It is also an opportunity for me to get out of the house for a few days, which is something I should probably be doing more of. And selling at conventions was always part of the plan.

So, we’ll see!

Moe Lane

PS: If you can’t wait… buy my books!

Debating whether to do Farpoint 29 in February.

Farpoint 29 is a SF/comic convention, February 25-27, in Hunt Valley. The table costs two hundred bucks, but it comes with two three-day con passes, each of which would cost ninety bucks. If I was going to go to it anyway this would be kind of a no-brainer (I’m going to see about vending at WashingCon, for example); but I wasn’t.

So I dunno. You work where you can work, but I don’t know what the atmosphere is like at this con. Some of them are fun; some are… not.