Sorry, guys. I believe that you believe. Alas, the tide of history is against you.
Ironically, I could believe the Fallout show would be good if Jonathan Nolan had a budget of eight hundred bucks and was counting on getting all his shooting done before somebody drove up to see who was kicking up all that dust at the abandoned factory. Those shoestring productions work. But when you give ’em a budget, well…
Moe Lane
PS: Dammit, now I want to reinstall Fallout 4.
I will probably try and watch this… not because I think it’s going to be good, but because I want to see how it goes.
The art style is faithful to the games. +1
The director is a fan of Fallout. +2
The executive producer produced Portlandia. -1
The lead writer wrote for Captain Marvel and the most recent Tomb Raider film. -2
Neither the lead writer nor executive producer were quoted as being fans of the IP. -10!
I am prepared for this to suck.
The question is which way(s) it’s going to suck.
Raiders as bringing social justice to outdated vaulters?
Vault social experiment “dystopia” ? (All vaults had a dystopian social experiment)
Undead civil rights? (Even for the crazy hungry ones?)
Supermutants demanding Freeside allow female “kings”?
Ah, the Cardassian Mystery Novel model: “Everyone is guilty, the only question is how.”
At least there is a limit to how badly they can screw this up. Because that’s the only real question. Will it suck in a juvenile Netflix Cowboy BeBop kind of way, or will it suck in a grand, overbearingly stupid and pretentious Rings of Power kind of way?
And, how quickly will they blame fans of Fallout when this show is savagely beaten in the review comments? I think that is where the real drama will be found.