Book of the Year: The Golden Enclaves.

Really, the whole Scholomance series, but Naomi Novik’s The Golden Enclaves was probably my favorite book this year that I didn’t actually write, myself. Basically, the trilogy would have been a YA series about an outcast wizard girl (with a dark destiny) going to an alarmingly risky magical school, but the author made one disqualifying mistake: she forgot to make the whole thing suck. They’re so good I don’t even begrudge the big-publisher price. Well, maybe a little, but I bought them all in hardcover too, anyway. Check them out, obviously.

4 thoughts on “Book of the Year: The Golden Enclaves.”

  1. Read the first of the trilogy last month, on your repeated recommendation.
    It’s good.

    Definitely a crapsack world, though.

      1. Oh, most definitely yes.

        I am waiting to see if she decides to do anything with the rather obvious story hooks for future series in this world.

        I find I’m again in your debt for the recommendation as it turns out the SIL, who I have *almost* nothing to make conversation about, apparently also enjoyed these quite a bit.


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