This has so much promise.
I could write an In Nomine sourcebook for WHEEL SAINT in forty-eight hours, just on what we’ve seen so far. Factions, Word-bound, Pit Crew/Celestial Mechanics, sample NPCs… the extended Driving rules would be the longest part, but the rest of it glows ghost-gray in my head. Alas, I wouldn’t be able to sell it, and I have enough paying projects that still need to be done. I can’t really do twenty, thirty thousand words of licensed IP for free*.
Let me just keep telling myself that for a while.
Moe Lane
*I would be available for exquisitely cheap, though.
These guys have tons of great ideas. I wish they had the focus to just **finish** one or two of them.
You still have contacts at Steve Jackson, right? I mean, I feel like this is the sort of thing where the Penny Arcade guys might find the idea of it entertaining enough to at least *consider* signing off on.
I don’t know how much effort it would take to ask, but it might be worth it just to *ask*.
Well… depending on how your creativity works. When *I’m* in the state that your “the rest of it glows ghost-gray in my head” evokes, it is painfully fragile, to the point where I pretty much lose it if I don’t sit down to write immediately. On the other hand, you’re one of those people who makes actual money off your writing, and I am very much not, and that speaks to a difference in certain capacities. Perhaps this is among them.
I do not. Prematurely pro-GWB, and all that.