This… intrigues me: “A few weeks before Bob Iger sat down for that CNBC interview in which he said Disney’s linear TV networks, like ABC and FX, “may not be core” to the company’s business, a veteran Hollywood executive mused to The Hollywood Reporter on the possibility of a deal that would rock the industry: Apple buying Disney. It’s an idea that keeps being discussed, even though many top executives have scoffed at it and many still do. Apple doesn’t want to buy a studio, they say, and there’s no way the feds would allow a huge deal like that to go through.”
The thing is: it intrigues me in precisely the same way that those videos showing the effects of a car being dropped in different gravity fields intrigues me. Sure, seeing it bounce in Mercury conditions is kind of fun — but, honestly, I’m there to see Jupiter inflicted upon the poor, doomed, thing. That’s the dramatic stuff.
Why do I think it’ll be a disaster? Largely because Apple wouldn’t know what to do with Disney once it had it, except do more of the things that made Disney suddenly appear a bargain. What the Mouse needs now is a basic reset of core attitudes and principles; ones geared around the radical idea that it might be better to make more things that people already like to watch, and fewer things that they want people to like to watch. There are probably any number of corporate overlords that could help Disney accomplish this. Apple is probably not one of them.
Ach, well. My nose’s skin remains untouched, and all that.
Moe Lane
(H/T: GeekTyrant.)
More likely that certain brands/ips be shipped off to the Cult of Jobs at least. Apple TV is making a studio play now.
Sounds like a great match… since I dislike both companies I’ll only have to ignore one, not two.
It’s a smokescreen.
Iger is deflecting what a disaster he’s been with the shiny.