One that has been resolved with the correct (i.e. difficult choice). The short version is I got a message from another Kickstarter project that looks legitimate (I think), suggesting a cross-promotional thing. The problem? Well, two: I’m not 100% certain it’s legit, and even it is there’s not really any overlap between that project and mine. There’s nothing wrong with the concept, but I wouldn’t back it if I saw it*, and I would feel really bad if it turned out to be hinky after all. Which I guess answers the question all on its own, hey? If I’m not gonna back it, I shouldn’t talk it up unless I’m excited about the project and I just can’t afford to support it any other way.
I gotta tell you: this entire lifestyle can be unexpectedly fraught, sometimes. Still, there’s a week on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 Kickstarter. Post-apocalyptic fantasy short story goodness! Check it out today!
Moe Lane
*Not gonna say who or what it was.
Trust your gut. If you wouldn’t spend your own money – even your own theoretical money – than you instinctively know it is either A) a bad cultural match or B) a scam. Neither one is good for you.