Tweet of the Day, I Will Allow It… edition.

…but there will have to be conditions.

Primarily… well. You all know my opinion on this.

Via @BlkCrownAuthor.

Moe Lane

PS: I know the odds are nil that they will do it that way. Believe me, I have come to terms with the fact that Hollywood isn’t as good at ideas as I am…

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Will Allow It… edition.”

  1. Chances would be better if Disney hadn’t tried to pull a fast one on Scarlett Johanson regarding the release of the Black Widow movie, though.

    1. … they already proved that they don’t care.. look at how fast Hugo Weaving got replaced.

      That said… Hollywood / Disney will get it wrong. They trash intellectual properties. It’s what they do.


      1. …which is sad, because they didn’t start out that way. I remember back when they *got* Star Wars and Marvel, I was heartened by it, because I felt like that meant they were in good hands.

        Of course, that was 2015 or so. It’s been a few years.

        1. Correction: 2009 for Marvel, 2012 for Star Wars. *Definitely* been a few years.

          1. Marvel started strong. By the time 2012 and StarWars came around, my only thought was “Lucas finally found someone even more obsessed with cynical merchandising than he is.”

  2. I predict this won’t see the light of day. I think the Marvel purchase is going to go down as a comparably bad investment to Time Warner buying AOL, but only because of what they did after the Infinity Saga ended.
    Thanos was more inevitable than Marvel making a profit.

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