Tweet of the Day, You’d Think This Would Be In The Operator’s Manual edition.

Heck, you’d think there would be an Operator’s Manual. For kids, I mean. Nope, they just send you and your spouse home from the hospital with a highly complex, multi-decade project in tow, with nary a bit of real documentation. If you press them, maybe they give you some website links. Maybe.

I meant this as a joke, but now I’m maybe getting a little peeved about this. Or maybe I’m just hungry.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, You’d Think This Would Be In The Operator’s Manual edition.”

  1. Official parenting instructions would entail more bureaucracy, more culture war fights, and more rules, with fines and DCA visits, etc.

      1. There is a manual, I believe it’s commonly called the Bible, the TLDR is spare the rod and spoil the child

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