3 thoughts on “Patreon Microfiction: Drift Along, Little Dogies.”

  1. “Float along little dogies”
    “Sail along little dogies”
    “Soar along little dogies”
    “Waft along little dogies”
    “Fly along little dogies”
    “Glide along little dogies”
    “Scud along little dogies”
    “Flit along little dogies”
    “Swoop along little dogies”

    … I kinda like scud, but otherwise .. drift ain’t the worst choice.


  2. Well, amble, mosey and saunter are singular by nature.
    So… The herd drifts.

    Unless they start to mill. Or bolt. Drift is much preferable.
    The only time is good to see cattle moving with speed and intensity, is when they’re trotting after the feed truck.

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