#rsrh Well, that was almost… “exciting.”

I’d say that the Mob there was about… oh, about thirty, forty-five seconds away from smashing that Republican state legislator’s head with a brick.

Fortunately, a couple of members of the Organizer/Politician castes were able to start a chant in the Mob’s hive mind that caused the individual meat-units surrounding the legislator to resist the urge for violence for just long enough. Which is good, of course. Let’s hope that the Organizers can continue to keep their lesser castes under control, though. It won’t end well if they do not.

Moe Lane

PS: Watch the [expletive deleted] thing again and tell me that this contempt of mine is uncalled-for.

PPS: Rep. Brett Hulsey (D)? Ever read The Case of Charles Dexter Ward?  No?  Too bad: there’s a really good piece of advice in there for the would-be magician.  It goes, “Do not call up what ye cannot put down.”  This is of course somewhat tardy advice in your party’s case, but better late than never, huh?

So. It’s war, then?

Politico volleys; the New York Times counter-volleys; and then there was this guy with a trident…

What? Trust me, the actual dispute is inside-baseball even by my standards, and I read this stuff for fun. You don’t really need to know, or even really care. The point is that the NYT and Politico have found themselves in a position where they may actually decide to break out the family atomics…

#rsrh “Insatiable?” I dunno…

is there a stronger word than that?  Because ‘insatiable’ doesn’t have quite the right hunger to it.

…needless to say, after the left’s grotesque, groundless demagoguery of the Tucson shooting as some sort of indictment of Republican rhetoric, conservative media will happily grind their faces in each and every bit of incivility expressed by union protesters or their apologists. The videos and photos of protesters with incendiary signs are already old hat after two weeks, but for righties forever tarred with the worst excesses of cranks who show up at tea party rallies, the appetite for liberal hypocrisy is insatiable.

Fortunately, there’s a supply of the stuff that pretty much dwarfs the demand.

Moe Lane

WI Dems made a PREGNANT WOMAN hide?

I just found out about this from Fox Nation (via Hot Air), as part of a breaking story that possibly the hiding Wisconsin state senators are starting to crack under the strain of not doing the jobs that they were elected to do:

State Sen. Julie Lassa (D) is pregnant and “extremely unhappy” about being on the run.

Those twisted, sadistic FREAKS in the Wisconsin Democratic party really and truly made a woman with child go into interstate exile for two weeks?  So that union bosses could keep unlimited access to funds to fuel their politician (and other prostitutes) habits?  That is sick.  That is disgusting.

But, you know… that is pretty typical for the Democratic party leadership, too.  Heck, we should probably be grateful that they didn’t drop Sen. Lassa off at a Planned Parenthood clinic, complete with a meaningful look.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh QotD, So THAT’s Why They Did It edition.

Clever: they’re limiting access to the Capitol on a strict one-comes-out, one-goes-in system, with police control of official visitors and strict visiting badge restrictions.  Fairly strict, but they’ve got a handy justification:

Officials say access to the Capitol was limited Monday after protesters failed to comply with police directives Sunday night after the building officially closed.

See, this is why we can’t have nice things.  It’s because of those reactionary union protesters – and, oh yes, are they ever reactionaries – spoiling it for regular, decent people who just want to visit the Capitol building.  Petulant crybabies, the lot of them.

#rsrh Julian Assange: “It’s all because of the Joooooooooooos….”

Who had March 1st, 2011 in the pool?

Oh, let’s not pretend that this is a surprise.  This is the tertiary stage of conspiracy theorizing: if you indulge in such things, and you are not very careful, you will find that somehow, inexplicably, your carefully-constructed edifice of ad hoc reasoning, unfalsifiable assertions, and erroneous pattern-matching has led you to blame it all on the Jews.  It’s like a giant bug in the source code in Western thinking, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why we have it – hell, it’s such a glitch that if I make the obvious joke about why somebody out there will probably take me seriously…

Via MelissaTweets.

#rsrh Man, those Wisconsin Assembly Dems were *ticked*.

I was watching this video for the paper- and water-throwing by a Wisconsin Democrat acting badly, but I got distracted by savoring the screams of impotent rage.  You’d think it would have gotten old after the fourth watching… but no.  No, it does not.

Via The Hispanic Conservative, via Instapundit – and mind the first link; it includes an example of what the Democratic base considered to be acceptable discourse towards Republican women during the 2008 election cycle.  If you’re wondering why the rhetoric from the Activist Left is so casually violent these days, it’s largely because they’ve been able to get away with it for the last decade or so.

Moe Lane

Nancy Pelosi’s irrelevant budget objection.

It’s looking increasingly likely that Senate Democrats are unwilling to die on the hill of opposition to 4 billion dollars’ worth of cuts in the short-term emergency funding bill to supplement the continuing resolution that the Republicans had to pass in lieu of a proper budget that the Democrats refused to even offer last year – yes, that’s a bit of a run-on sentence.  It’s not my fault. – anyway, Reid doesn’t particularly want to play chicken on this one, particularly since the cuts are to things that the President pretended to be in favor of cutting anyway*.

However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi seems to have not gotten the memo, because she’s criticizing the cuts… and, by association, the President for suggesting them in the first place.  Such a criticism requires only the highest, most logical rebuttal:

Sit down, Nancy.
Shut up, Nancy.
When we want your opinion we’ll ask you, Nancy.

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi’s irrelevant budget objection.