Meet Scott Rigell (R CAND, VA-02).

This would be freshman (and steadily-more-worried) Democrat Glenn Nye’s district; Scott’s been running in this race since last year, but things are heating up enough that I thought that an interview was warranted.

Scott’s website is here: you can also see him on Facebook here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

‘Miss Me Yet?’ PPP says… almost.

Any other Democratic pollster I’d mock, but PPP’s Tom Jensen has earned a certain forbearance:

Americans are now pretty evenly divided about whether they would rather have Barack Obama or George W. Bush in the White House. 48% prefer Obama while 46% say they would rather have the old President back.


These numbers suggest some peril for Democrats in making Bush a focus of their messaging this fall.

To put it mildly. Continue reading ‘Miss Me Yet?’ PPP says… almost.

#rsrh Today’s Fantasy/Reality.

I paraphrase.

Fantasy*: “Publicizing a liberal online plot to crash the Tea Parties will destroy the movement once and for all!”

Reality: “Publicizing a liberal online plot to crash the Tea Parties actually immunizes the protests tomorrow.  Yes, it’s annoying.  So are the side effects from a cowpox vaccine.”

Mind you, both Fantasy and Reality wildly over-estimate how many anti-Tea Partiers will be bothered to actually infiltrate and instigate something tomorrow.

Moe Lane

*TPM’s Fantasy, not Hot Air’s.  Hot Air is rolling its eyes at this, too.

A PSA for future researchers.

Those of you reading this, in say, 2060 or so:

I doubt that the comments section of news sites are reflective of the electorate’s views as a whole. I suspect those who leave comments are more passionate, over-caffeinated, perhaps angrier, and probably quicker to denounce everyone on the other side. They just aren’t like the intelligent, astute, even-tempered charming types who read political blogs.

…let me just stop a few academic papers before they even start.

  1. Jim Geraghty is being heavily sarcastic.  His own site(s) do not feature comments sections, mostly because absent active site moderation they would be rapidly overrun by liberal racists/misogynists/homophobes/bigots looking for a socially acceptable venue to express their racism/misogyny/homophobia/bigotry via projecting said racism/misogyny/homophobia/bigotry on conservatives.  Also, it would attract p3nis enlargement spam.
  2. Very few American males actually do worry overmuch about the size of their p3nises.  We have no idea why every other email that the average American gets is spam offering help in correcting this non-problem.
  3. The ‘3’ above is there to substitute for an ‘e,’ in the futile hope of avoiding more spam.
  4. Where was I?  Oh, yes: on the other hand, your era’s conventional wisdom is correct: the most amazingly useless, pointless, and counterproductive commentary in the world really was to be found on YouTube.  The collective intelligence of the blogosphere’s commentariat went up ten IQ points as soon as people noticed that you could comment on that site.
  5. And, oh, yeah: we just thought RickRolling was funny.  There wasn’t any kind of conspiracy.  Sorry?

Moe Lane

#rsrh ‘Swapping their Birthright of Freedom…’

(Via Instapundit) Professor Bainbridge strains mightily to appeal to sweet reason

At bottom, my problem with [Bruce] Bartlett’s argument that we can afford higher taxes and greater regulation is that regulation and taxation are like the story about how to boil a frog. If a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

In the United States today, the thermostat is still set pretty low. The Heritage Foundation has warned us, however, that the Obamabots have turned up the heat a tad. It is the proper function of conservatives to resist and to seek to turn down the heat. It would be nice to have Bartlett and [James] Joyner with us.

…but it is too late: the two that he’s trying to reach are gracefully finishing their transition to the Other Side, where their social views are compatible enough with existing mandated opinion, and where they may find available a discreet amount of funding for apostates*.  I say this with no real heat: such things happen. I will say this, though: when they do complete their transitioning, they will demonstrate it by attacking Professor Bainbridge.

Such things also happen.

Moe Lane

*Which is frankly something that the Right needs to emulate. As Tom Clancy patriotically delighted in reminding the world, the CIA paid top dollar for defectors.

Song called on account of jaw-dropping Presidential statement.

I am officially gobsmacked. POTUS:

“Whether We Like it or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower.”

Here’s the video, in case the site above doesn’t load:

I got nothing, sorry.

[UPDATE]: No, wait, I do have something. Dude. READ THIS STUFF ALOUD FIRST BEFORE YOU GO IN FRONT OF A CAMERA. Find somebody on staff who doesn’t love you and read it in front of him or her. Watch to see where the winces are.

Define ‘sensible drinking.’

…OK, they do (1-2 ‘small’ glasses of wine/day), and it’s unfortunately… sensible.  At least, when you’re my age.

Sensible drinking can substantially reduce your risk of a stroke, but only if you don’t enjoy a cigarette at the same time, research suggests.

A study of over 20,000 people in the UK found non-smokers who drank moderate amounts were nearly 40% less likely to have a stroke than non-drinkers.

But once cigarettes were added, this protective effect vanished.

It’s always somethi…

Wait.  I quit smoking years ago.  So it’s all cool.  As soon as I can determine whether insensible drinking counts.  Or at least drinking until insensible.  Which, knowing my tolerance these days, takes us right back to what are called ‘sensible’ levels…

Chris Christie (R, NJ) zeros out faith-based program!

Sixty-five million dollars’ worth. The entire budget, in fact:

Gov. Chris Christie is taking $65 million, the entire allocation, from the state’s global warming fund, and $5.9 million, from the toxic waste site cleanup program, to help close the over $10 billion deficit in his $29.3 billion 2010-11 state budget, the state environmental protection commissioner said Monday.

In discussing the Department of Environmental Protection’s proposed $380.6 million budget before the Assembly Budget Committee in Trenton, Commissioner Bob Martin said he hopes the loss of the $65 million, funding for the state’s role in a regional effort to combat global warming, will only be for one year. He told the committee that DEP staff will continue to attempt to work against global warming and so-called greenhouses gasses despite the lack of money.

(Via Cubachi, via @MelissaTweets) I am confident that Bob Martin will be able to continue working against global warming. In fact, I am confident that he will be just as successful at it this year as he was last year: and you may take that statement any way that you like.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.