I’m sorry, but I thought that this was cute.

Contra Ed Morrissey, I think that this is just a superstition ritual:

(Originally via The Moderate Voice) Every profession has ’em, and here it’s just two people being goofy together. I wouldn’t post it at all except that any embarrassment from it has already been released into the wild, and maybe they’ll see this and feel a little better.

Pride and Prejudice… and Zombies.

No, really.

510xxfxxxgl_sl500_aa240_Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a real book, and it’s coming out in April, whereupon I will buy it.  They’re making the argument that the original book is actually quite amenable to being updated with zombies added, which makes perfect sense to me: everything is better with zombies added, after all.  The absolutely best part?  They’re talking movie scripts right now.

NO.  REALLY: Continue reading Pride and Prejudice… and Zombies.

DVICE is having a “Steampunk Cylon” contest…

they think that people can come up with something better than what they did:


…which may not be the easiest thing in the world, actually. More here and here, with added picture goodness.

Personally, I think that the BSG 1.0 Cylons were closer to the entire steampunk aesthetic than the BSG 2.0 ones – although in 1978 I wouldn’t have said so, being both: a, eight; and b, utterly ignorant that Powers, Blaycock, & Jeter were going to invent the steampunk genre a decade later.

Not to be all self-reflexive and stuff…

…but I think that RS McCain’s link to my Waters post is interesting because it’s showing a certain confluence of interests.  As some of you may know, I’m a former Democrat myself (like RS McCain, in fact): and as most of you have worked out by now, I’m a good GOP Party man (decidedly unlike RS McCain).  And while I’m sympathetic to a lot of libertarian notions – enough to define me as one of those Dread Moderate Squishes on a variety of topics* – I’m not one.  300 million people in this country: we can’t run it all via town meetings.  That being said, everything he wrote after: Continue reading Not to be all self-reflexive and stuff…

Elections have consequences: Megan McArdle edition.

How’s that Libertarians for Obama thing working out for people?  I’ve already seen how it worked out for all those poor Republicans for Obama…

Before we go any further, let me just note that my sympathies for the people in the video below is currently somewhere between “nil” and “whatever.” This is a blue-on-blue fight, as far as I’m concerned: Wall Street actually has a habit of going against its class interests by funding and supporting Democrats, and God knows that they had their hand in the current banking crisis, so I can root for injuries with a light heart and a clear conscience.

But Megan’s right: Maxine Waters is nuts.

Continue reading Elections have consequences: Megan McArdle edition.

Baby steps: Jon Stewart remembers that he needs to eat.

Which means that you have to make fun of the President that you have, not the one that you want:

(Via Andrew Malcolm) Don’t expect miracles, here: Stewart’s a liberal. Stewart also understands that his audience will increasingly be part of the demographic who gets bored listening to people who can’t stop yelling about that Bush guy, who isn’t even President anymore, and back on his ranch in Texas cutting brush or something: and that this is no time to be out of work. So… baby steps.

Unless Obama screws up some more. The Media is always hungry.

Crossposted to RedState.

Chavez claims (convenient) coup; “conspirators” quashed.

Naturally, it’s all our fault.

Venezuela Arrests Soldiers Over Alleged Army Plot, Chavez Says

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said soldiers suspected of conspiring in a plot to destabilize the government were arrested, adding the situation is under control.

Chavez, a self-proclaimed socialist who has accused the political opposition of trying to overthrow his government since he survived a brief coup in 2002, said the country’s intelligence agency uncovered a plan to infiltrate the Miraflores presidential palace. He made the comments yesterday on state television.

“We’ve arrested some soldiers, and they remain detained, who were in contact with a solder on the run in the U.S., protected by the U.S. government, sending messages about a so- called Operation Independence,” Chavez said.

Continue reading Chavez claims (convenient) coup; “conspirators” quashed.

OK, the real question on the Kindle is…

…not whether I pick up a Kindle 2. I already know the answer to that one: I don’t, for a while (if ever).  The question becomes, do I pick up a Kindle 1? I mean, with any luck the price for one of those will go through the floor and I can think about purchasing one. On the other hand, it may not get that way for a while, so I might as well contemplate saving up my money and getting the better option.  On the gripping hand, I like books.  I also like the way that they work even when there’s no reliable source of electricity around.

Probably one of my readers has a Kindle: what do you folks think about them?