02/18/2020 Book Report.

Four more chapters getting revised and fiddled with. That leaves… twenty to go. I might need to speed this up a little.

In other news, still trying to track down a copy-editor. My sister is a graphic designer, though, so she’s looking for one for me, too. What’s that? Why didn’t I contract her for a book cover? Why, that’s an excellent question, really. Fortunately, I can answer it with the next book cover, no worries.

02/16/2020 Book Report.

Took advantage of the car ride back home to work out a few details in the plot where stuff would just work better if done a different way. Some of this from the beta readers, some of it was from my wife, some of it was on my own. I figure that this week I spend polishing it up, giving it to my wife again to go-through — and then leave it alone. I could spend the next five years working on this manuscript, but after a certain point you have to go on with what you have.

Books of the Week: The Yellow King RPG.

The Yellow King RPG from Pelgrane Press is a four book set with a slipcase that turns into a GM screen, and it is pretty. It is so very, very pretty and I am tempted to run a game of it at WashingCon. Although I am already going to be running the Bullwinkle and Rocky RPG, and ZOMG I COULD COMBINE THEM*.

Moe Lane

*Well, I can’t seem to get my hands on any copy of the infamous Toon/Call of Cthulhu crossover ‘Delta Chartreuse,’ so I need to look at other options here.

Book Report, 02/14/2020.

Today I spent filling out stuff on the Kickstarter. Looks like I got the budget right, which is nice. It’s not really loaded up and ready to go yet, but I have an idea of what I need to still acquire (pictures of the cover art and a video*). Very exciting.

Moe Lane

*I’ll have to cut the video myself. Fortunately, I still have a bunch of stuff for that.

02/14/2020 Snippet, THE LAST RAYGUN IN THE WORLD.

I didn’t exactly want to work on this, but I had the title pop into my head when I was dropping off my youngest and then I figured it’d be a good idea to at least get the opening stuff out. It may end up going into the short story collection, at that. Or not. It’s all up in the air!

Continue reading 02/14/2020 Snippet, THE LAST RAYGUN IN THE WORLD.