Yeah, this one isn’t really planning to dawdle much.
Category: Books
Eight days on the Kickstarter! Sign up now!
The end of the beginning looms. Eight days to go, so if you were planning to join up now’s the time. A lot of stuff that was discounted for FROZEN DREAMS backers will not be discounted in the FROZEN DREAMS Backerkit, alas and alack.
And, yeah, there’s still those sonnets! At this point, the sonnets thing is just making me laugh. Although that might just be the quarantine. God, what I wouldn’t do for a set of antibody tests* right now.
Continue reading Eight days on the Kickstarter! Sign up now!04/21/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.
Mostly talked audiobook with one person (if it funds, I needed to be talking about the stuff in question by now) and looking at Chapter 11 revisions. So far, so good on those. My copy-editor did not throw a brick at my head for the truly awful pun I enshrined as a character, at least. So I guess we’re good!
The FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter keeps on kicking. Reminder: if you know somebody looking for a signed print book, there’s always the sonnet tier. Plenty of printed copies there, at least in relative terms.
04/21/2020 Snippet, TRADE NEGOTIATIONS.
This guy wants to have a series.
First two chapters of FROZEN DREAMS!
In PDF form. Find it either at the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter update here or directly here. Either way: check it out.
04/20/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.
Well, we’re up to Chapter 10 back from the editor, and she’s still laughing at the funny bits, so that’s good. The FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter progresses as we get to single digits on the days left for it. I was supposed to do more work on the RPG supplement, but it was a day here at Chez Lane. I’m amazed that I was as productive as I was, honestly.
All in all, not a dramatic kind of day.
Moe Lane
Continue reading 04/20/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.04/20/2020 Snippet, REX FANG-BLADE AND THE RAID ON THE SLAVER CAMP.
I needed a small break from the other stories, so I started back up on this one. Those who are subscribe to my Patreon will possibly have an idea what this one is going to be about. Although the rest of you have probably already figured it out, too.
04/19/2020 Snippet, KINGS AND MASKS.
I’m sure we’ll get to the technothriller part at some point.
Patreon Microfiction: ‘Hear The Word of a Lord.’
“Hear The Word Of A Lord” whipsawed back and forth between creepy and non-creepy, I feel. As well it should have; I had the devil of the time deciding on the final tone. And on a hundred-word piece, too.