A look from Wikipedia from the inside.

Via Instapundit comes this series of Volokh Conspiracy guest-posts on the topic of Wikipedia by an administrator of Wikipedia – an electronic entity that many if not most of the readers of this site don’t particularly trust*.  The author (one Newyorkbrad) knows this himself, which is why he has been providing TVC with basic explanations of the internal self-monitoring system, what the various levels of access are, and some of the philosophical disputes going on inside the site.  Essentially, he’s trying to demystify the whole thing for people.

If I had been asked for advice on this topic – which I wasn’t – I would have to say that the best way for people to handle perceived flaws in Wikipedia would be roughly similar to what I counseled people to do with the GOP; join up, make yourself useful, then start providing balance to the discussion. They’ll probably be overjoyed to see you and you can finally set the record straight on 18th Century coal mining techniques.

Moe Lane

*This statement is equally accurate for RedState.com & MoeLane.com. The non-political wiki wars can be just as epic.

Crossposted to RedState.

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. (With Trailer!)

Starring Deborah Gibson*, damn your eyes. And Lorenzo Lamas**.

I’d like to think that at a certain point at the storyboard meeting, somebody looked at the picture of a giant shark in the act of doing something that was, frankly, an absolutely inappropriate example of shark-like behavior (you’ll know it when you see it in the trailer below), and making an objection. And then there was a pause, and then one of the other people would break that pause by saying, “Bob. The movie is called Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.”

And so it is.  It comes out direct-to-video on the 19th; the Tribulation is scheduled to begin precisely six hours later.  Please schedule your End Times accordingly.

Moe Lane

*Shame? What’s that?

**I spared you the Playgirl link. Be grateful for my forbearance.

ZZ Top is a bad thing to hear on the highway.

Especially when it’s temptingly empty.

Legs, ZZ Top

I’ll spare you the ZZ Top / Carmen Electra mashup, which was pretty much what you’d expect, right down to the pole dancing. It’s not that I have anything against pole dancing, per se: it’s just that I’m still trying to figure out how being able to spin around one is supposed to convey the message I am skilled in and eager to demonstrate advanced sexual techniques, which one assumes is the point of the exercise.

And I will point and laugh at anybody who tries to fake decadent amusement at my naivite.  I’m wise to all of your tricks, I am.

’43 stun-gunned at prisons’ Take Your Kids to Work Day’

I can’t believe that this isn’t up on Fark yet: this is why they invented the Florida tag.

43 stun-gunned at prisons’ Take Your Kids to Work Day

TALLAHASSEE — A total of 43 children were directly and indirectly shocked by electric stun guns during simultaneous ”Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day” events gone wrong at three state prisons, according to new information provided Friday by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Via Instapundit and AoSHQ: this also reminded me of this Onion video, which is sufficiently lacking in good taste that I’ll just link to it.

Other than that, I got nothing.