Much as I hate to disagree with Jonah Goldberg…

…and I do hate to disagree with Jonah – still, I feel compelled to note the following with regard to this video:

  1. Olivet Nazarene University is a dry school. A seriously dry school.
  2. The students in that video made no attempt to hide their location. Or their names.
  3. No actual drinking took place in that video.
  4. I think that we can also assume that there were multiple takes for most of those shots.
  5. In other words, this was five college students making a movie. With a soundtrack. Probably a script. Definitely a tripod – those weren’t hand-held camera shots. I’ve been playing with video footage myself lately, and it’s not easy.
  6. Most importantly, that was an interesting movie. Not the easiest thing in the world to find on YouTube, honestly.

So I think maybe their parents aren’t completely wasting their money.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Consider the Majorette Twirling Baton.

This is a Sharp Baton Model #10 Twirling Baton:


Size ranges from 17 to 19 inches. It is constructed out of tempered steel, of a thickness of 3/8 of an inch – which means that it is light enough to be moved quickly, yet strong enough not to bend on impact against flesh. Note the white bulbs at the end, which will increase accuracy of blows without sacrificing too much in the way of impact trauma (less of a consideration on a purely crushing weapon than on one with a cutting edge). And, of course, it is center-balanced, which means that the momentum of the backswing after a strike will not be too ungainly. In short, while I’d rather have a Louisville Slugger M9 Series Maple Wood Baseball Bats – C271 – Natural in a sticky situation, this is not actually a bad club to have.

Which is my intro to saying, Don’t mug girls in marching band. Continue reading Consider the Majorette Twirling Baton.

Today’s obligatory “Duelling Zombies” post.

First off, we have Zombie Jamboree:


…via Tommy Christopher. Odd fact #1: I banned him from RedState once. Odd fact #2: I follow him on Twitter, and vice versa. Odd fact #3: this is, yes, kind of contradictory; but as they say, business is business. Besides, this isn’t a political post.

Anyway, in answer to that I have this.

Jonathan Coulton

Because, well, any excuse to play that one is a good one.

Moe Lane

PS: Watching people conga to Zombie Jamboree may not be the most surreal experience out there, but it’s definitely weird.

1/10th scale Saturn V rocket launched.

Very cool.

Rocket Record: The Largest, Heaviest Amateur Rocket Ever Launched

Steve Eves broke two world records Saturday, when his 1/10th scale model of the historic rocket—built in his garage near Akron, Ohio—lifted off from a field on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The 36-ft.-tall rocket was the largest amateur rocket ever launched and recovered successfully—and at 1648 pounds, also the heaviest. Eves’ single-stage behemoth was powered by nine motors—eight 13,000 Newton-second N-Class motors and a 77,000 Newton-second P-Class motor. (Five Newton-seconds is equivalent to about a pound of thrust.) All told, the array generated enough force to chuck a Volkswagen more than a half-mile—and sent the Saturn V more than 4440 feet straight up. It was arguably the most audacious display of raw power ever generated by an amateur rocket.


Via Wombat Rampant.

Crossposted to RedState.