…it’s more social commentary.
Congressman Offers Preemptive Apology For Extramarital Affair
In an odd sort of way.
…it’s more social commentary.
Congressman Offers Preemptive Apology For Extramarital Affair
In an odd sort of way.
This is not a reassuring Star Trek trailer at all. Unlike Allahpundit, I was not distressed at the last one, but this particular trailer suggests a backstory that is, well, nonsense.
I am not going to be happy if this is not worth my time.
Except that I’ve been wrestling with video for two days now.
And some fiddle music’s never amiss. Even if I’m so bleary-eyed that I didn’t spell it “Charlie Daniels Band” to begin with.
Via the lovely and far-too-quiet Academic Elephant, the best concept vehicle that you’ll see this week:
You want one.
Admit it.
“There are multiple scenes of giant blue penis.”
I have apparently not reached the maturity level of a 13 year old child, because I thought that the above was the funniest thing I read all night.
Oh, well, I didn’t complain when they dressed Mystique in a blue paint job; I guess that fair’s fair. Besides, it’s true to the comic.
More or less.
Moe Lane
Getting it wrong is one thing; not getting it at all is another.
The smartest thing said in the entire series.
Anyway, must hit the sack now. Busy day tomorrow.
What I’ve spent the morning fixing up. Continue reading (Belated) Investiture poem.
…and I need to spend the next hour or so taking apart some iambic hexameter and putting it back together again, only so now it doesn’t kind of suck.
So go read RS McCain, or something. He’s got enough links to fill up any Right Wing Death Beast’s morning, and besides, he understands the power of a strategic Cthulhu in a post.
Moe Lane
PS: I’m not “venerable.” I won’t be forty for at least…
Oh, damn.
…so of course I had to find the scene that I was waiting for.
Yup. “Hell is coming to breakfast.” Great stuff
I was originally going to do a you’ll-like-this-guy – A Song for Arbonne is brilliant, you’ll love everything that he does, buy everything that he wrote – but never mind that now: read this article about the recent Russian poll of the greatest Russian ever. (Stalin in third, Lenin in sixth):
It would feel self-indulgent to launch a jeremiad about how very, very evil Lenin and Stalin and their system were. The novelist Martin Amis did this in a book a little while ago, Koba the Dread, which is essentially about his own belated discovery of that truth. And how his father, Kingsley Amis, and godfather, Robert Conquest (who exposed the atrocities of the Great Terror for the west) had been … right all along while Amis and his college chums had been proclaiming the glories of the Soviet Union and Mao’s China in the 1960s. It was nice to see Amis fils getting around to getting it right, but the tone of shocked baby-boomer awakening bordered on the amusing.
No, it seems to me there’s another point, a narrower focus to be sought here, and it comes from – unsurprisingly – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose The Gulag Archipelago, smuggled out to the west thirty-five years ago, documented the abomination of the Soviet internment camps with a terrifying mixture of Biblical prophet and meticulously detailed scientist. (Solzhenitsyn, who did more to expose the reality of Lenin and Stalin and the Soviet empire to the world than anyone else who ever lived, and did so with unfathomable courage, did not surface anywhere near the top of the balloting, by the way.)
Here’s the issue that seems necessary to register after considering this vote: in The Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn makes the point that as of 1966 some 86,000 Germans had been convicted in Germany for Nazi crimes. But what about in the Soviet Union – the Gulag, the enforced starvations, the Terror? “In our own country (according the reports of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court) about ten men had been convicted.” (The italics are his.) And he asks, “What kind of disastrous path lies ahead of us if we do not have the chance to purge ourselves of that putrefaction rotting inside our body?” Continue reading Looking for someone to read? (Guy Gavriel Kay)